Christopher Cooke

Verified Professional Verified Professional
Verified Professional

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Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Stockport, Cheshire, SK5
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

I only focus on stuff that works.

“Christopher been a great help to me, and I now feel that I am back on track, and can now focus on the road ahead in a more positive way.” - Ingrid

"Christopher’s presence as a teacher, trainer, coach is world-class. His repertoire of wisdom is immense, as is his gracefulness, his ability to read the room and to inspire a truly holistic outlook beyond judgement while exploring the richness of human emergence. He is convivial, courageous, humble and wise." -- Giles Hutchins (Future Fit)

In addition to my coaching practise I can offer a complete Holistic Management approach that covers all aspects of leadership and management across all contexts. If you want to really step up to the leading edge of what's possible you can engage me to explore with you the review and setting of holistically oriented policy that is aligned with the long term viability of our planet; this takes us to a place and capability that is way beyond sustainability and is the basis of our deepest inspiration.

Whether your issue is personal, professional, strategic, family or community I can assist. If required my wife and I can offer team coaching for couples and teams.

All support is custom-designed - the shortest ever was 5 minutes! the longest 7 years. Working virtually or face to face there is always a path to meaningful engagement. Price is never a barrier to my services, you just need to ask and explain why you should warrant my time for less than I normally charge.

With my dedicated focus on the deeper dynamics of humanness, there is nothing too inspiring, energising or intuitive; too complex, problematic or challenging. My scope extends to include commonly requested services that carry the common terms of Business Coaching, Personal Coaching, Integral Coaching, Master Coaching for Coaches, Life Change such as retirement or redundancy, Personal Development and Counselling, Presentation Skills and Confidence Growth.

I work with those who realise that there is a new quality of life beckoning them and society and that much more is possible. The core sense being that something needs to change "but I am not sure what!"

My core premise is that by the time we meet and work together the deep change has already happened and that the opportunity presenting itself is to learn to grow into it!

My international practice extends across S.E.Asia, Australasia, North and South America, Europe and Africa. I offer my services virtually and face to face anywhere! Some of my clients comments are shown below...


I sought Life Coaching (on the advice of my daughter) as a means of coping with the trauma and insecurity caused by being flooded in December 2015. I had hoped the sessions would give practical advice on the immediate external issues, (work, money etc.)

During the sessions of coaching Christopher shifted my focus to internal spiritual development, reminding me of life's  journey; my main purpose. He directed me to look at where I was in my  journey; the direction in which my inner voice was taking me, and the discovery that the path I was on and the direction in which I was moving, was far more exciting than dwelling on the insecurities my present material condition. I am now far less anxious about my present material circumstances, and more excited about the journey. The external circumstances will take care of themselves,

Arthur Paynter September 2016



"My time with Christopher Cooke was incredible. He has a wonderful blend of old world sage and modern, savvy, informed business person. His insight and knowledge is worth many times the tuition paid. I hope that many others will have the opportunity to spend time with, and learn from Christopher. Those that do will be truly blessed."  - Sales Manager - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


Virtual Coaching Client

Knowing what I know now, with my interactions with people who work with the Clare W Graves Lineage of Human Emergence ( I experienced Christopher Cooke’s view and practice known as Solonics), I honestly feel like understanding Solonics has changed my life. The confusion, blockages, and overall level of questioning I had about myself, the world, and everything I was thinking/experiencing... has somehow become a non-issue. I feel free to move into who I am without expectations and to make decisions freely, not in a selfish way, but in a liberating way. Just understanding where I am in this process has helped me understand all I need to know... There isn't enough room to talk about the shifts that happened to me after an hour and a half... and a few days to really process through things. If this can happen to me, it can happen to others and that is truly powerful. - Sarah.


Coaching - USA

Personal - The value of Christopher’s visit, on a personal level, was amazing. One conversation we had changed my life. The insight came during an exercise Christopher was leading me through. Honestly, my personal life has been enriched by Christopher's visit.

Business Coaching - The value of Christopher’s visit to Future Captain Sports was incredible. Really took us to the next level with our new partners. Also, we got a lot of work done. Christopher was integral in facilitating a crucial meeting which helped both organizations define our objectives with more concision. Also, Christopher created a powerpoint that summed up the conclusions from the meeting - the same day! The powerpoint really told the story of the meeting well and has been helping us as we move forward. Christopher is a godsend.

Business Coaching: For BTG - The value of Christopher’s visit was incredible. He essentially connected us with a new client, helped my partner and me to deeper our understanding of Solonics, and facilitated a conversation between my partner and me which has changed our relationship. Christopher helped BTG Projects tremendously in his short time here. Looking forward to the future, working with him.

David Brown - Philadelphia (Founder and Chairman Future Captain Sports)

Coaching Client

My experience with Christopher has made a monumental change in my worldview and mindset.  My understanding of Solonics and holistic practice has been increased substantially and my personal well being has been enlightened in a way unknown to me prior to our workshop.  My business and my personal well being as benefitted from Christopher's work in an intangible way that is simply hard to describe. I am looking forward to our future using Solonics to build structures and foundations that will allow our business to thrive financially, humanitarly, and environmentally.  Christopher will undoubtedly be a part of our company's approach for years to come.
-- Kevin Wolffe in the business of 'Growing your Knowing' - with BTG (Director).


"Christopher’s presence as a teacher, trainer, coach is world-class. His repertoire of wisdom is immense, as is his gracefulness, his ability to read the room, and to inspire a truly holistic outlook beyond judgement while exploring the richness of human emergence. He is convivial, courageous, humble and wise." -- Giles Hutchins (Future Fit)


“Christopher been a great help to me ,and I now feel that I am back on track ,and can now focus on the road ahead in a more positive way.” - Ingrid


Training, qualifications & experience

I first trained as a coach and facilitator in 1985 and since that time have been involved with many pioneering approaches that provide fresh insights into all aspects of human change and consciousness.

The overall practise that I have developed is known as Full Spectrum Emergence (FSE) - An art and science of human emergence. FSE builds upon the 65 year lineage of Integral Theory and Practise and for which since 1997 I have been a pioneering adopter. (Full Spectrum Emergence is a framework derived from The Theory of Holism, Reflexive Universe Theory, The Graves Technology, Spiral Dynamics, Spiral Dynamics Integral, Integral Theory, Integral Psychology, Integral Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Integral Large Group Facilitation, Integral Mentoring, Integral Coaching, Integral Therapeutic Practice, and Shamanic mysticism. - FSE encourages higher-self utilisation, which in effect means greater flexibility, freedom and flow.

As a mentor, advisor, trainer and facilitator my primary professional affiliation is with the International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA) as a trainer and master practitioner.

Since 2011 I have been developing a growing relationship with Erickson Coaching International and am now one of their trainers. In January 2016 I trained their core faculty in Full Spectrum Emergence. In January 2020, I signed an international support contract as an Erickson partner to apply Full Spectrum Emergence across the Erickson Coaching International operation which includes over 50 Countries. I am currently active with virtual programmes for China, Ukraine, Canada, Turkey, The UK and Europe. We are collaborating on  anew approach known as Eco-coaching.

Additional credentials include:

*I am one of a handful of Level 5 Certified (from 2004) in Spiral Dynamics Integral, in the world. 
* An NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer (INLPTA);
*Accredited Educator and Field Professional in Holistic Management through the Savory Institute
* Certified Trainer through the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development;
* a specialist facilitator of Large Group Processes (1992 onwards - FCE USA)
a Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist (2003);
* a certified mBraining Coach (2013);
*‘a professional Director:  'Diploma in Management Studies’ and ‘Certificate in Directorship’ awarded through the Institute of Directors in London.
* A change management pioneer: MSc. Managing Change (1996)– Sheffield Hallam University and The Centre for the Study of Change.

Membership of Professional Associations
• International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA- UK) (Since 2003).
• The Spiral Dynamics Group (Texas USA) (Since 1997).
* Savory Institute - Accredited Educator Since Oct. 2015; Accredited Field Professional (2019)


Member organisations

International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA)

International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA) is an international association of NLP Trainers and Master trainers who have agreed to abide by and uphold INLPTA's standards of quality, professionalism and ethics in their NLP training and in the conduct of their NLP business.

Other areas of coaching I deal with

Spiral Dynamics Coaching
Spiral Dynamics Consulting
Spiral Dynamics Mentoring
Policy Setting
Holistic Thinking
Holistic Policy
Wicked problems
Executive Mentoring
Strategic Change
Innovation Mentoring
Corporate Social Responsibility
Change Management
Agricultural Innovation
Integral Coaching
Integral Mentoring
Teal For Teal
2nd Tier advisory
Business Mentoring
Spiral Dynamics
Integral Theory
Reinventing Organisations
The Graves Technology
Performance Coaching
Farm Management
Land Management
Estate Management
Regenerative Coaching
Personal Freedom and Flow
Teal organisations
Change Management
Culture Surveys
Culture Change
Culture Alignment
Employee Engagement
Mob grazing
Grass productivity
Psychology test
Human evolution
Evolution of man
Change theory


Up to £150.00
Free initial online session

Additional information

Price should be no barrier to services offered so my charging is flexible where it is necessary - please contact me direct to discuss your needs.
Price is never a barrier to my services.
An initial exploratory session of 30 minutes, delivered virtually, is without charge or obligation.

(The term 'waiki' literally means universal brother or sister! an comes from my long term training with a Peruvian mystic known as Don Americo Yabar)

When I work

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Please phone or text me to discuss.

Further information

My work is dedicated towards the achievement of a viable planet and viable species.

Success for me, in any assignment, is when I am no longer needed!

Stockport, Cheshire, SK5

Type of session



Christopher Cooke
Christopher Cooke