Jackie Fletcher

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Transitions Life Coaching. LCH Dip. BSc (Hons) Psychology
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This professional is available for new clients.

location_on Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 2BB
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Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

Do you find yourself at a crossroads in your personal and professional life, feeling stuck and stressed? Are you ready to create a happy, satisfying life and want clarity, direction, focus and support, or just a confidential sounding board in order to achieve that and move forward? My style of coaching could be for you....


I'm an experienced life coach and Three Principles practitioner, with an eclectic and spiritual style of working, and I love coaching! I provide career coaching (so you can again feel "yippee it's Monday morning!" if that's been lost to you) as well as personal coaching, 3 Principles transformative coaching, mentor coaching and energy healing.

If you are wondering how coaching could benefit you, and whether I'm the right coach for you, or you have any questions - please do contact me as I offer an initial consultation with no charge and no obligation, and I'm always happy to talk through what you are looking for.

You can speak with me from Monday to Thursday - my hours on those days are 10 am to 8 pm, with the last session starting at 7 pm. I work by phone, Skype and face-to-face.

There are various coaching programmes you can choose from - a block of sessions has fees starting at £349, and I also provide one-off sessions starting at £65.

Here's some information about the different types of coaching that are available for you, and I have included some testimonials from past clients as well:

CAREER COACHING. Having been in the wrong career myself for 22 years and now enjoying my ideal career, I am passionate about helping others do the same. The tried and tested holistic career coaching programme I provide enables my clients to discover who they are, gives them clarity about the work they would absolutely LOVE to do and then have the confidence (and practical strategies) to make the move into that career.

I specialise in working with professionals who feel trapped by 'golden handcuffs' because that's what happened to me - it had taken me years to get qualified, to achieve a senior position within my firm, I had a great salary and benefits, thought all my skills were technical and only relevant to my existing job. I ignored being stressed and depressed - I believed for years that I shouldn't and couldn't make the move. But I did! And I haven't regretted that decision for one moment.


"Having lost my way on my career path I was in need of guidance to find out what I really could achieve. This was deeply and thoroughly explored with care and attention to detail by Jackie and myself, without me even being fully aware of it happening! The exercises I completed not only empowered me with a range of tools to expand my potential in my working life but it also helped me find which direction would be the most fulfilling for me, both in work and my free time. It also kicked me up the backside by making me realise that this world needs to be grasped proactively rather than let it wash over me."- Nick, Southampton

Please visit my website for full details of this programme:

It is such a pleasure and honour working with new coaches! I love their enthusiasm and passion. If you are a new coach I can support you in getting your qualification, setting up your business, building your confidence and increasing your skills and techniques.

"I am truly fortunate to have had Jackie as my mentor coach. She has a warm, open and positive approach and was genuinely committed to supporting me in starting my own coaching practice. I found the sessions fun, highly thought provoking and full of encouragement. I have benefited immensely from her incredible knowledge and vast experience. So, thank you Jackie, for giving me the tools and confidence to succeed!" - Lesley–Anne, L.A. Coaching, France

Further details of how my mentoring services could support you are on this page:

PERSONAL COACHING. I work with individuals who find themselves at a crossroads; successful people who feel something is missing in their lives. Is that you? Coaching can help you clarify what's important to you, discover how you can create your reality, and generally increase your happiness and life satisfaction.

"Jackie — I just want to thank you for all your encouragement and support. Deciding to have life coaching with you was one of the most worthwhile investments I have ever made. you have helped me to go beyond my own limitations and to believe that I can live the life I dream of. You have helped me to transform my life and for this I will always be so grateful. My world is a better place, thank you." - Natasha Mair, St Albans

THREE PRINCIPLES / INSIDE OUT COACHING. Based on the work of Sydney Banks, these transformative coaching conversations can point you in the direction of how you create your experience of life. When you understand that we all live in the feeling of our thoughts, that we create our reality from the inside out, that we all have innate wisdom - life changes!

"All we are is peace, love and wisdom and the power to create the illusion that we're not." Jack Pransky

ENERGY HEALING. Emotional Freedom Techniques ("EFT") and Matrix Reimprinting are both powerful processes that facilitate the release of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. I can provide a single 'sample' session if this is a new concept for you and you just want to experience these energy healing techniques. Or you can book a block of sessions if you'd like to work on those issues, fears, emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding you back - and probably affecting your health too. Call me now to find out more.


Training, qualifications & experience

Experience: Transitions Life Coaching was set up 18 years ago and the coaching services I have provided include personal coaching, career coaching, mentoring and supervision for other coaches, and energy healing.

Training and qualifications: LCH Diploma from Achievement Specialists, Business Performance coaching with Newcastle College, coaching supervision with CSA and licensed as a Firework career coach. I'm a member of the Association for Coaching.

I confess to being a perpetual student! I have attended several courses with Michael Neill on coaching mastery and on the Three Principles, various courses with Dr. Robert Holden, and I have also studied positive psychology (including a course on The Science of Happiness), clean language, spiritual coaching and Heart Intelligence. In 2017 and 2018 I completed various courses via Coaches Rising, including Coaching from Source and the Power of Embodied Transformation (somatic coaching). This year's training has included ontological coaching, resilience coaching and the neuroscience of change.

I have a degree in Psychology from the Open University.

For energy healing - I am an advanced EFT practitioner (trained mostly by EFT masters Sue Beer and Emma Roberts) and a practitioner of Matrix Reimprinting, trained by EFT master Karl Dawson.

Member organisations

Association for Coaching (AC)

The Association for Coaching is one of the leading professional bodies for Coaches and Organisations.

The Association is made up of a number of different membership categories, e.g. Associate Member (AMAC), Member (MAC), Accredited Member (AC Accred), with the different categories standing for different levels of training and experience. Accredited Members have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by the Association.

The Association has a Code of Ethics & Good Practice and a Complaints Procedure.

Areas of coaching I deal with

Other areas of coaching I deal with

  • Three Principles (Transformative, inside-out coaching)
  • Energy healing - EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Matrix Reimprinting
  • Mentoring for coaches
  • Supervision for coaches
  • Time management
  • Life Satisfaction and Happiness
  • Next Level Skills Training - for coaches who have completed their initial training and are interested in learning some additional tools and techniques


£65.00 - £95.00
Free initial telephone or online session

Additional information

I offer an initial consultation with no charge and no obligation, so you can discuss what you are looking for, ascertain whether my services are right for you, ask any questions you may have and to see if we'd be a good fit working together.

There are various options available to you, with a range of prices.

One off sessions start at £65.

A block of personal coaching life coaching sessions range from £349 to £459. Mentoring and supervision sessions are this price too.

Career coaching is £380 per block of sessions

I also provide a one year coach mentoring programme, with 3 different levels - price on application.

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When I work

Monday to Thursday. 10am to 7pm

Further information

Sessions also available via Skype.

38 Avon Castle Drive, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 2BB

Type of session

In person

Key details

Wheelchair user access info
Wheelchair user access

Wheelchair-accessible premises should have step-free access for wheelchair users and individuals who are unable to climb stairs. If a Life Coach's premises aren't step-free, they may offer alternative services such as telephone/web-based appointments, home visits, or meeting clients in different location, so you can choose the option that suits you best.

You can contact the Life Coach to discuss the options available.

Under the Equality Act 2010 service providers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access their service. You can read more about reasonable adjustments to help you to access services on the CAB website.


In person

Supervision provides a space to reflect on your work as a coach, to celebrate successes, gain insights and new perspectives, deepen your self awareness, discuss new techniques and build on your skills.

View supervision profile
