How to have a happier Christmas

As Christmas is approaching, and as I've reflected on some of my client sessions and other conversations I've had with friends and at networking events, I've realised that a lot of people are feeling in need of a break. They're exhausted, and running a little close to empty. There feels like an underlying pressure to really be able to switch off and relax over this Christmas period.

With this in mind, I wanted to touch on the subject of overwhelm at Christmas, or any occasions that bring families and friends together.


Taking Christmas as an example, the festive season can be wonderful but it can also be difficult. The two can co-exist.

We might have lots to fit in - celebrations, last-minute meet-ups, Christmas parties, family coming to stay with us, or we might be the ones off visiting family/friends.

Some of us might have time off work, while others might still be juggling working. Not forgetting, those with children have got them home from school. There can be a lot going on and the pressure to feel joy can be overwhelming.

On the other hand, Christmas might be a time where we have a lot more time on our hands. It might be a time we reflect on our lives more, and think of those that are perhaps no longer with us. Christmas can be a lonely time for many, regardless of if we are surrounded by family and friends or not.

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of the Christmas spirit and you may even find yourself trying to overcompensate to please others or to create the perfect narrative in your mind yet, in reality, you may be feeling withdrawn and tired.

With this pressure can come the natural feeling of guilt that you're not 'switched on' 24/7, especially at a time that is often considered as special.

To help you go into this Christmas looking after your well-being as best you can, I suggest the following three pieces of advice.

1. Stop judging yourself

No matter how you're feeling, let your thoughts and feelings come and then go. Instead of jumping all over them and inevitably telling yourself that you’re wrong/stupid/ungrateful for feeling how you do, acknowledge them but then let them pass. There's no right or wrong way to feel.

So instead of beating yourself up over it, why not find and engage in things that bring you personal joy, even if it's in small amounts? If you need to sneak away from the festivities for a moment, that's ok - allow yourself that time.

2. Do something for yourself, every day

Be kind to yourself and your wellbeing - think about what you need at this time. What can you prioritise that is in line with your own wellbeing? It could be wrapping up warm and going for a nice long walk or drive, going for a festive hot drink, reading a book, calling and catching up with a friend, listening to a podcast, or experimenting in the kitchen.

Whatever it is, find something that you can look forward to at least once a day that you do purely for you. Make it a non-negotiable.

3. Let it go

Rather than getting caught up in these thoughts and overthinking/ruminating, try and detach from the thought and allow it to come and go without placing too much emphasis onto it. Instead, remind yourself that this period doesn't last forever, and try to enjoy the moments for what they are, knowing they are just temporary. 

While these things sound simple, it's surprising how often we are not doing the most basic of things to help us combat stress and overwhelm.

I hope you enjoy installing some of these as new, positive and insightful habits that you can take into the new year with you. For further support please visit my profile, my website and/or book a complimentary call with me.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Sohaila Sophia.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO5
Written by Sohaila Sophia, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, ICF & ANLP accredited
Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO5

Sohaila Sophia is an accredited Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, an advocate for mental wellbeing & passionate about supporting people to believe in themselves and live fulfilling, purpose-led lives. Founder of ‘Find Your Happy’ coaching programmes - the 10 step approach to re-evaluating and living with more fulfilment and meaning.

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