I am in control of my life


I always knew that there was more to life. I would not accept that we are born and then we die. There had to be a magic thread between the two. 

Life had to have meaning and I had to have a purpose. I had failed relationships, anger issues, unresolved negative emotions and negative beliefs stemming from my childhood. I had the belief that I was not good enough, that I didn't deserve to have all the money I wanted. 

Transformational life coaching changed my life. I now have goals and direction. Life no longer just happens to me, I am in control. I shape my destiny, my future.

It's a wonderful way to live - I am happy and have the life I want.

I opened up my own life coaching practice as I want to share my knowledge, skills and experience with people who feel stuck and want more. I am also an entrepreneur, have great relationships and am living a life of peace and joy. I have challenges like everyone does but the difference now is that I overcome them effortlessly. 

Life coaching works. 

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