Tiffany Gale

Verified Professional Verified Professional
Verified Professional

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Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

All my work is driven by a sincere desire to empower individuals in the community to move from fear towards their authentic selves.  I have always been fascinated by people. The way we are, the behaviours we display, and why we do the things we do, holds a deep curiosity for me. I enjoy the connection fostered by shared experiences and meaningful conversations that delve beyond the everyday, reaching places of genuine emotions and authenticity. When I connect with another person at a deeper level, I feel most alive and vibrant, and I believe others share this experience too.

The most meaning and purpose in my life comes from supporting others through challenging times. My own struggles with toxic and destructive behaviour patterns have given me a profound understanding of feeling stuck, the accompanying low self-esteem, and the sense of worthlessness. Through a personal journey of self-discovery and continuous self-improvement, I have been able to break free from some of my most detrimental behavioural patterns and embrace a future filled with hope, joy, and meaning.  These experiences and knowledge gained have proved beneficial when considering supporting others.

Training, qualifications & experience

I possess over 25 years of experience working directly with individuals to overcome challenges.  I am a certified Accredited Practitioner Coach with the International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPCM) and a Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner through the School of Positive Transformation. In addition to my Bachelor of Science with Distinction in Health, Community, and Social Sciences, I am a Qualified General Nurse Practitioner and an Accredited Independent Domestic Violence Advisor.

Member organisations

International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M)

The IAPC&M is an independent not-for-profit organisation, run by coaches and mentors for the benefit of coaches, mentors and training providers around the world.


Additional information

Please contact me for further information on email address provided.

Further information

I provide services for one on one coaching support as well as group workshops on -

Healing from Abandonment - 6 week course aiming to provide tools to manage unhelpful behaviours developed from abandonment.

Sober Curious - 6 week course supporting people to challenge themselves to a 100 day alcohol free experience.

Well Being - 6 week course identifying ones strengths and resources and channelling these towards goals and dreams and action plans.

Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11

Type of session

In person

Types of client

Young adults (18-24)
Adults (25-64)
Older Adults (65+)

Key details

DBS check

In England and Wales, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, formerly known as CRB) carry out criminal records checks for individuals working with vulnerable groups, such as children. To find out more, visit , or contact this professional directly

Online platforms

Tiffany Gale
Tiffany Gale