Sue Saker

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Coaching for Couples & Individuals. Free sample session
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

location_on Farnham, Surrey, GU10
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

I love to coach both Couples & Individuals and will give more detail on each below.

Relationship Coaching

Coaching is not only for when your relationship is in crisis. I prefer to think of it as getting a service for your car to help it run smoothly whatever the road conditions. If you feel you want to be together forever then coaching can help your relationship be the best that it can be. Investing a small amount of time can have a lasting, positive impact on you both.

Relationship Coaching is adaptable to whatever each couple most needs. Common areas are:

  • to reduce unhealthy conflicts & learn to disagree in a non-destructive manner
  • to build communication & be able to hear and understand one another better
  • to build connection & closeness, particular where you may have grown distant
  • to increase positivity
  • to agree on life goals, priorities or help with big decisions
  • to have more fun
  • to work as a supportive team in times of stress
  • to find an agreed way of parenting etc

Relationship Coaching can really help a couple to thrive, no matter what else is going on in their lives. It takes courage to open up about your Relationship but rest assured I offer a safe and confidential place to help you to do just that. My Husband was less than keen(!) when I suggested we get a coach ourselves but he has found it really beneficial and enjoyed the process. It's not just for couples who are struggling, coaching can help any couple to work better together. And despite what you may imagine there is often plenty of laughter & smiling in my Couples Coaching sessions too.

Often one partner (or both) can be reluctant to try Relationship Coaching and that's why I offer a free, no obligation, sample session for you both. It gives you both a chance to meet me, see what it's all about and have a taster. I coach the majority of couples I work with over Zoom / Skype and it is easily as effective as Face to Face but you are welcome to try either.

I'm very friendly, down to Earth & easy to talk to, so please get in touch.

Life Coaching for Individuals

Often individuals who find me are experiencing one, or more, of the following:

  • Life is 'ok' but not great
  • A feeling that there must be more to life
  • A sense that you are in the wrong job & not enjoying your career
  • Unsuccessfully looking for love
  • Unhappy in your long-term relationship
  • Questioning your priorities & goals
  • Generally feeling unfulfilled
  • Feeling lonely, or bored, or low in energy
  • Feeling unhappy but not sure there's anyone you can talk to
  • Wanting to improve your health but struggling to stick to your plans to do so
  • etc

I can help with any of these areas. It's not about me being an 'expert' in careers, relationships etc, but it's about me helping you to find the right answers for you.

Clients are often amazed by the difference just a few sessions can make to their self-esteem, confidence and fulfilment. I've even been called 'an angel' before!

Now I'm not claiming to be an angel but I can help you to figure out who you truly are and what makes them happy - it's often less obvious than you might think.

And I am known for my positivity, sense of humour and ability to help clients find different, more helpful, perspectives.

Come and have a free sample session with me (Face to Face, Skype, Zoom or Phone all equally effective) and see if we're a good match and how I can help you.

Training, qualifications & experience

Fundamentals of Coaching with Coaches Training Institute (CTI), the leading Worldwide provider of Coaching
Completed Core Curriculum with CTI
Advanced training culminating in Written & Oral exam with a panel of Master Coaches with CTI to become a CPCC - Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
Fundamentals of Organisational & Relationship Systems Coaching with CRR Global, the Centre for Right Relationshiops
Completed Core Curriculum with CRR Global.

Advanced training, with my Couples Coaching sessions recorded and scored, to become a Certified Organisational & Relationship Systems Coach (ORSCC)
Energetic NLP levels 1, 2 & 3
War to Peace

In addition I indulge(!) in continuous ongoing professional development with a variety of courses. I want to be the best coach possible so that my clients can get amazing, cost-effective, coaching.

'Wow, with all that training you must charge a fortune?' Nope! I do this because I love it and find it incredibly fulfilling. Hence I keep my prices as low as possible because I want to help as many people as possible, not just the very rich.

Areas of coaching I deal with

Other areas of coaching I deal with



Self Esteem


Couples Coaching


£75.00 - £100.00
Free initial online session

Additional information

Every individual or couple gets a free introductory session so that you can experience what coaching is all about, if coaching can help you and whether I am the right coach for you. This is so important that I won't take clients on unless we've had a free sample session and if I don't feel we're a good match or you / your relationship will benefit from coaching, I will say so.

Ongoing sessions are priced at £100 for couples during the day, or £130 for evening sessions. Individual Coaching is £75 a session (daytime only).

This may seem expensive at first glance but the effects of just a handful of sessions can have a huge impact on you or your relationship.

And those changes can last forever.

When I work

Zoom, Skype, FaceTime & Phone.

Further information

Coaching with me is fun, insightful, life-changing and full of 'wow' moments!

Or for more information about Relationship Coaching please look at

Or if you are interested in Individual Coaching please visit my other website

Type of session

In person
