Local events


Embodied freedom in relationships

Online Open to all

Five steps for women to tap into their inner wisdom, say 'No', reclaim their voice and have healthy relationships. Starting 27th September 2021. This is for you if: You automatically say ‘Y...


Owning your voice and your power in relationships

Online Open to all

This 10-week programme starts on 31st January 2022. Who is it for? When you disagree with someone you find yourself agreeing with them instead. Keep quiet when someone upsets you, even though you...


Relationship group - how to make better choices

Online Open to all

You started out in this relationship with new and high hopes. “It would be different this time around”. But it isn’t - but why? He or she was different, looked different in so many...


Break free from repeating relationship mistakes

Online Open to all

Is this you? You find yourself in the same painful dynamic again and again. Nothing you have done before seems to have changed things and got to the root cause of your problem. You think you have...