Has lockdown got you rethinking your career?

Although many have found lockdown difficult, for some people, there have been advantages of the new working from home era that was enforced by the pandemic. People have found themselves with extra time, enabling them to pay attention to areas of their lives they may have neglected.


People have had more quality time with their family, company for their pets, time for exercise, yoga, sleep and relaxation, time to create and enjoy healthy meals, opportunities to stay on top of the chores and not saving up the washing and cleaning for the weekend.

The absence of a daily commute has not only created more time but has been financially beneficial and environmentally positive. And productivity seems to be on a par, if not, better than when in the office.

So, some are not looking forward to re-living that hectic lifestyle again, climbing back onto that fast-spinning infinite hamster wheel. Clients I talk to dream of a hybrid solution with some of their weeks in the office, and some of it at home. Hopefully, employers will take this feedback on board and revolutionise the culture of work to accommodate these new employee needs. But, if they don’t, what then for you? 

Time off the hamster wheel, to really pause, has also offered employees the opportunity to think more deeply about their roles and their direction. Clients are questioning whether the job they are in is actually the best use of their skills, enjoyable enough and sufficiently aligned to their purpose. 

Illustration of a desk with a laptop

I’ve changed career myself and appreciate the angst you feel before you take the plunge. But, it is far more frightening before you jump off than when you have jumped.

I support clients through all stages, pre and post a new role or career. Using a mix of coaching and mentoring, I offer questionnaires, tried and tested tools and techniques, deep listening and careful questioning, to guide you through this transition.

7 stages of career change

1. Is my current role the best fit for me? 

  • We examine your needs, your interests, your values and purpose, your skills and qualities, your motivators.
  • We scope out the features of an ideal role and see how your current role matches up to these ideals.

2. What are my options?

  • We look at other roles that might fit for you and whether there are any barriers you need to overcome to be an eligible candidate.   
  • We look at the realism of your current role and examine if taking on new roles would fit with your wider life plans.

3. How do I find my ideal role(s)?

  • We examine your approach to job seeking to ensure this is as effective as it can be. This covers your CV, your LinkedIn profile, your social media activity, networking, plus your use of agencies and job sites. 
  • Some clients at this stage decide they want to set up in business on their own – I have set up five companies now so I can also support you through this process if that is the right choice for you.

4. How do I get an interview?

  • We look at how to best position yourself for your chosen new role, who to talk to, and how to influence selection.
  • We can work through feedback from any unsuccessful interviews and use them as a learning exercise.
  • We can run through typical interview questions so you feel prepared for interviews, even roleplay if that helps.
  • We work on crafting succinct responses with illustrative examples to best demonstrate your suitability. 

6. How do I best prepare for the new role?

  • We can work on how to communicate your new role to your current workplace and how to negotiate a smooth exit.
  • We recognise a potential sense of loss when leaving a role or a profession.
  • We can look at what you might want to learn in advance of your start date and develop a detailed plan for your first day/ week.

7. How do I make an impact in my new role?

  • We can develop your first 90-day plan and look at how you will evidence your impact.
  • We can run through any awkward situations or problems you encounter as the role unfurls.  

Whether you opt to start your own business, change job within the same field, opt for a role in a completely new field or create a portfolio career, a coach can support you. I can guide you through the process, empowering you with the confidence and tools you need to succeed and using gentle challenges to make sure you are comfortable with the decisions you are making.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15
Written by Tessa Dodwell, Transition/ Career/ Retirement/ Identity coach & supervisor
Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15

Tessa left her successful career in the corporate world to pursue her passion for coaching. She understands the complexity of the decision to change careers and the impact it can have on other areas of your life. Tessa gains immense satisfaction from supporting individuals to maximise their potential and is an expert in major life transitions.

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