6 steps to create successful coping strategies

Coping strategies are methods, habits and techniques that we use every day. They can be extremely helpful in the running of our everyday lives such as asking for help, taking coaching or therapy sessions, improving knowledge or utilising mindfulness activities.


However, unhealthy strategies can also hinder us from achieving our goals. These can include:

  • negative self-talk
  • alcohol
  • smoking
  • over or under-sleeping
  • complaining
  • avoidance
  • isolation
  • procrastination
  • over or under-eating
  • aggression

While many of these are natural behaviours, which may help relieve stress, if they are being used constantly to overcome a problem they can do just the opposite. They can become roadblocks in your journey towards self-improvement and overall happiness as even though they help to reduce negativity, stress, fear and anxiety in the present they do not help to actually overcome the problem in the future.

For example, if you have a stressful job or are having issues at work and in the evening drink excessive alcohol or constantly complain to friends or partners this may help in the short term. However, it is not solving the situation in the long term. The problems at work will still be there and they may even become worse due to this inaction.

The strategy itself may also be leading to health or relationship issues. Alcohol can be very damaging to the body as well as impeding your ability to work efficiently and constant complaining can create a negative atmosphere at home which can put a strain on relationships.

How to find healthier coping strategies

Healthy coping strategies are integral in overcoming problems you may be having. They are focused and proactive which can lead to a change in your situation and a happier more fulfilled future.

In my practice I work with many people who struggle to make significant effective changes in their lives which leads them to gaining support through therapeutic coaching. They can become stuck in the past and the present which decreases their ability to make the changes they need. The ability to change can be very difficult but it is possible and is physically and emotionally incredibly important and rewarding.

How to identify your unhealthy coping strategies        

Before we can change a habit we first need to work out what they are. In my experience, people may incorporate many coping strategies in their day-to-day lives with some being more unhealthy than others. It is important to identify what we need to change so we can focus on that issue before it can be successfully overcome.

When working with clients I ask the following questions:

What issues in your life are causing you stress or discomfort?

This can highlight the predominant issue or even discover one that has previously not been considered. For instance, you may find that the cause of stress may be boredom, illness, work, negative self-talk or relationship issues.

What coping strategies are you currently using?

Stress and discomfort may lead people to overeat, smoke or avoid situations that they may have enjoyed in the past.

What impact do they have in the short term?

If a personal injury or illness is stopping you from completing activities you enjoy such as work or exercise, unhealthy habits could be filling this void and creating short-term pleasure such as overeating.

Are they improving your situation?

Unhealthy coping strategies are just that, unhealthy. They may help in the short term but quite often they can lead to larger problems. Negative self-talk, for example, due to unhappiness with appearance can lead to feelings of anxiety, social isolation or depression if not dealt with.

Are they effective in the long term? 

Unhealthy coping strategies used to relieve stress, anxiety and depression can be effective in the short term however they can often make the situation worse not better as the problem still continues.

What impact will they have in the long term physically or emotionally? 

Younger clients often use the strategy of avoidance when it comes to school work or tests but this ultimately can lead to a decline in achievement and this then becomes a vicious cycle which can affect them later in life causing stress, underachievement, low self-esteem and illness.

Creating healthy coping strategies

Once you have identified your coping strategies, think about how you could change them in order to be more proactive in changing your current situation into a better one! For example:

  • If stress at work is causing problems this could be overcome by speaking to your boss, improving skills by retraining, gaining therapeutic coaching, asking for help or applying for a new job.
  • If there is a big test or exam coming up look for effective revision strategies such as asking your teacher for help, going to revision sessions or setting up a revision group with your friends.
  • If you have low self-confidence due to being overweight find a sensible healthy diet, incorporate daily exercise or set yourself an intention to be more supportive with your inner voice and self-assessments.

When you have identified your unhealthy coping strategies and how you are going to adjust them, make an effort to commit to making those changes. These new habits could start in a small way and then be increased over the weeks and months but always remember to appreciate your efforts no matter how big or small as all achievements are successes and a sign you are moving forward towards your goal!

This can be easily done by asking yourself each week:

  • What is different?
  • How do I feel physically?
  • How do I feel emotionally?
  • Is the new strategy working?
  • If it isn’t what else could I try?
  • What improvements have I noticed?
  • If I continue with this new healthy strategy, what could I ultimately achieve?

If you are finding it difficult to identify your unhealthy coping strategies, create healthy ones or realise your goals, then therapeutic coaching is a great way to gain support, help and guidance.

It takes hard work and determination to break free from unhealthy coping strategies as they may have been part of your life for many years but keep up the hard work as you are amazing and capable of making that positive change you want and deserve! 


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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