Barry Florin

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The Anxiety Life Coach,
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

London, NW7
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

Are you suffering from Stress and Anxiety? Have you seen a GP who has prescribed anti-depressants that really haven’t helped that much? Have you come to the realisation that perhaps it is time to get some professional help? There is no doubt about it; life in 2023, is extremely stressful. You may be dealing with difficult employment and relationship issues that can easily lead to anxiety. I offer modern and intelligent help for my clients. My goal is to help you get your life in order.
There is a good chance that when you were a child, your parents, with the best intentions, told you something like this, perhaps when you were being bullied by some unkind kid at school. “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never harm you.”
Unfortunately, this well-meaning piece of advice is wrong. Words certainly do hurt us. Reflect for a moment on the harsh and hurtful words used in a recent relationship dispute at home. How about the negative words used in a performance review at work? What about the hurt and rejection you felt when you were turned down, or not asked out for a date with a person you rather fancied. The list is endless, the results are almost always the same, emotional pain.
But the words that hurt us the most, are the words that we speak to ourselves. We think in language and our minds can produce a never-ending stream of negative thoughts. Many of these thoughts take the form of, “I can’t,” “Something is wrong with me,” “No one likes me,” “I’ll never be able to do it,” “I’m stupid,” “I’m not attractive,” “I’ll never find another good job”,” “I’ll never get a promotion”, “I’m sure they will fire me first.”
One of the most important things in fighting and overcoming your anxiety, is to understand that these negative thoughts are not facts, they are just opinions. They won’t go away completely, but you can learn to accept them for what they are, and learn how to live with them, taking back control of your life by following a programme of positive action steps.

Online Therapy is really convenient. We can have our appointments in the evenings or over the weekend. I will simply send you a link and all you will need to do is click on it to log into our session together. 

Training, qualifications & experience

Master Coach Credential



Stanford Certified Project Manager

Clinical Training in Mind/Body Medicine

The Advanced Management and Leadership Program

Certified Trainer in Emotional Intelligence

Member organisations

Association for Coaching (AC)

The Association for Coaching is one of the leading professional bodies for Coaches and Organisations.

The Association is made up of a number of different membership categories, e.g. Associate Member (AMAC), Member (MAC), Accredited Member (AC Accred), with the different categories standing for different levels of training and experience. Accredited Members have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by the Association.

The Association has a Code of Ethics & Good Practice and a Complaints Procedure.

When I work

By Appointment

Type of session

Barry Florin
Barry Florin