My coach has helped me to live the life I want


I had come to a crossroads in my life. I had to decide between leaving a well-paid job or setting up my own business. I had always wanted to be my own boss, but it seemed like a huge risk to give up a secure job, even though I no longer enjoyed it.

It got to the point where I had become really depressed and dreaded getting up in the mornings to go to work. I decided to see a life coach to help me make my decision and I'm so glad I did.

I started by finding out who I was and what I really wanted from my life - that was such a helpful exercise that I can't believe I hadn't spent more time thinking it through on my own.

We then discussed all the practical elements of leaving my job and setting up on my own, such as how would I pay my rent, how I would go about setting up my own business and how long it would all take.

In the end, I left my job and set up on my own, while taking a part-time job to cover my rent. It helped me so much to talk things through with someone in a logical way. And, although it is hard work, now I'm out there on my own.

I know I'm living life the way I want to rather than sticking to an unfulfilling job.

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