The key to living a meaningful life
Researchers believe developing a sense of purpose can significantly improve a person's life. Their theory is based on decades of research into the effects of happiness and having a sense of purpose on health outcomes. According to these studies, those who had a sense of purpose in addition to happiness had better physical and health outcomes than those who only experienced happiness.
What is required to cultivate a sense of purpose?
There are numerous approaches to this, and what works best for you may differ.
However, there are a few things you can do to develop a sense of purpose:
- Helping others in your community, within your family, and at work. Or on a larger scale - such as being part of a movement for change.
- Being acknowledged and appreciated for your contribution. This also implies that you value yourself!
- Earning respect from others.
- Finding other like-minded people and developing a sense of identity.
- Feeling a sense of accomplishment in what you do.
Having a purpose can help you gain confidence and self-esteem. People who lack a sense of purpose are frequently unhappy and lonely. A person who has retired from a career that gave their life meaning is an example of this. They may have a lot of free time and participate in various recreational activities, but they are unsatisfied because they no longer have a sense of purpose. Involvement in these activities merely serves to fill their time.
How often have you considered what you would buy or the problems a lottery win might solve? Yes, we've all fantasised about it, and there's nothing wrong with that. They can broaden our horizons and sometimes lead us to pursue goals and a course of action in their pursuit.
Yet, how often do we hear about people who have had this lucky break and discover that it hasn't improved their lives in any meaningful way or has made them worse? Local newspaper headlines have told us about families that have broken up after winning money—people who have quit their jobs and gone on shopping and drinking binges. People crave the company of others who aren't just interested in them for what they can get. In our opinion, the world is their oyster, but what they may find lacking is a sense of challenge.
Researchers discovered that, on average, happiness levels return to pre-lottery levels six months after a lottery win. Demonstrating that money cannot buy happiness.
There is some truth to the adage that if you have to work for something, you will value it more. The process of achieving a goal is sometimes more rewarding than the achievement itself.
A sense of purpose
What gives someone a sense of purpose varies from person to person. For some, it may simply be caring for someone close to them. Others may decide to travel, engage in regular exercise, or learn something new. The possibilities are endless. Whatever you decide, your dedication to this will benefit you by keeping your mind active. When you engage in one of these activities, you are likely to become more optimistic as a person. When people have something important to aim for, they are less likely to give up when things go wrong and instead look for any learning opportunity.
A sense of purpose motivates people to take better care of themselves. They will be concerned about their health, less lonely, and have others to lean on during challenging times. Peers can also provide feedback and help you see aspects of yourself that would otherwise go unnoticed.