Coaching for confidence

Knowing how to build our personal confidence is key in an increasingly challenging world. We all have times when our confidence is lower and we want to be more confident. If you are reading this, it may well be that you have low confidence and have had it for some time. It might be that circumstances have meant that you have difficult relationships and don't have the support you need. It may be a more longstanding issue for you. 

Indicators of low confidence

Do you recognise any of the signs of low confidence listed below? Are you:

  • finding that you are anxious a lot of the time?
  • unable to accept compliments?
  • playing it safe in social situations and not being yourself?
  • neglecting yourself and your self-care?
  • worrying about what others think of you?
  • avoiding taking on new challenges?
  • expecting little of your life?

We can all change and build our confidence. If you recognise yourself in some of the points above then the good news is that there are practical things you can do - things that will bring energy, fun, and accomplishment into your life!

How to address low confidence 

Here are a few things you can do right now to start working on building your confidence:

  • Find a coach and work with them to get out of old patterns and ruts, building new positive habits.
  • Try learning something new. Whilst being a beginner is challenging, if it's something that you enjoy, it reminds you that you can still learn and grow.
  • Do something physically challenging. Exercise and movement change our brain chemistry and builds mental and physical health.
  • Stay connected. Find one person who is on your wavelength. Personal connections reduce the risk of anxiety and depression.
  • Keep a journal. Write three A4 pages (front and back) every day of whatever comes to mind. It helps to break out of circular thought patterns and to get to feelings and thoughts that are usually below the surface in a safe way.
  • Say or write down three things that you are grateful for. This is especially important as you go off to sleep as it sets you up with a positive mindset for the next day. rather than going to sleep worrying about what's coming.
  • Give your negative voice a name, a daft or whimsical name. When the recurring negative thoughts come up then this enables you to gently say "thanks for trying to help me with these thoughts, however, it's not very helpful right now, can you take care of me another way". This practices self-compassion which is a key component of deep confidence.

How do coaches help with confidence?

My clients have told me that coaching gives them:

  • more accountability in carrying out new behaviours
  • a different and more flexible mindset
  • increased self-belief
  • insight into their strengths and how to play to their strengths
  • the ability to more easily express their feelings and beliefs to others

If you're ready to make a change, contact me via my profile below and get the support that you want to take the first step. You've got this and you can have the life that you want.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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