9 simple ways to detox your life
As I write this, today officially marks the last hours of 2021. Perhaps you are thinking, "So what now?"

I can see how some people are rushing to do their best and finish the year on a high, some of them are starting to plan for the chapter and some others are just enjoying the last bits of the year before jumping back on the horse next Monday.
If you follow me on Instagram (@carlacarolinawatson) you have probably seen some journaling prompts, online resources and tips to inspire and help you with practical ways to plan and visualise for the new year.
But today I want to share one last thing, a list with nine ways to detox your life (with subtle actions):
1. Unfollow/mute people that hurt your mental health.
2. Throw away expired products (or products you don’t use anymore) from your kitchen and bathroom.
3. Declutter one of the spaces in your life that needs the most love and tenderness right now like: your car, bedroom, home office or messy drawer (we all have a messy drawer!).
4. Unsubscribe from email lists that you don’t read anymore (and while you are there maybe erase some unread emails too).
5. Donate clothes, items or furniture that don’t bring you joy anymore.
6. Cancel memberships or subscriptions that you no longer use or care about.
7. Get out from that annoying WhatsApp group (I did this one recently and felt soooo good!).
8. Write down a list with all the things you want to explore, do, be, have and achieve in 2022. Write every one of them down and then let that list rest for a day…
9. Find a certified life coach (like me) that you can trust and start working with them to help you stay focused and gain more balance in this new year.
Remember, sometimes the biggest impact comes from the smallest actions and most importantly remember that "Nothing changes if nothing changes..."
This list has deliberately simple actions that anyone can do in a relatively short amount of time. And maybe you even have time left to share this with someone you think would benefit from reading.
As a professional I’m here to help you as much as I can in your journey towards living the life you want to live. I use my training and experience to offer 1:1 sessions in NLP, coaching methodology, EFT, journaling, meditation, and yoga.
If my words resonate with you feel free to visit my profile to book an exploration call to have a virtual cuppa and discuss what is it you are looking for and how I can potentially help you. Keep in mind that everything we discuss is 100% confidential and this initial exploration call is free of charge.
For any additional questions or requests feel free to email me using the button on my author profile.
Thank you for reading and happy new year!
Un abrazo,