Your achievable New Year goals that sustain!

So, 2017 is upon us and I am hoping 2016 brought you all you signed up for when setting your new year resolutions last year? Did you easily and effortlessly achieve all you set out to do and subsequently your January 2016 wishes are now reality? Or on the flip side, are you one of the many hopefuls who at the beginning of January, decide on new year goals, but by mid January, secret behaviours of tucking back into jam doughnuts are once more alive and that familiar new car or dream home goal has disappeared because the first month’s savings found itself purchasing a must have outfit for Emily’s party next week?

Or even more drastic, you don’t even bother with New Year resolutions or goals any more due to habitual let downs and you believe wholeheartedly that nothing you want ever shows up, so what's the point setting yourself up for a yearly fall?

By February it’s a factual hard hitting downward spiral. We all know that disappointment and frustrated feeling when beliefs around our own future and capabilities are re-enforced negatively and of course it sucks! Right on cue, unhealthy inner self-talk shows up to express its opinion, which ignites that old familiar victim mentality, giving any self-accountability that had managed to survive, a ticket to ride off into the night.. and before you can say Jack Robinson, sadness, frustration, stress, counter-productivity, blocked thinking and maybe even anger can take over and by this time, the downward spiral has progressed into the sub-conscious depths where limiting beliefs activate - lack of motivation and low confidence take over and your knickers are in a right old twist and before you know it, it's even worse... it’s a year later and nothing has changed except your a year older! 

Phew, that was exhausting just writing it, let alone living it!

So, human resilience allows us to brush ourselves down and take the next step, which of course is goal setting strategies from books or online! As invaluable as they can be, the magic glue still hasn’t stuck, so you end up again at the same place meeting bigger self-sabotage behaviours, asking “what is wrong with me?” and pulling what's left of your hair out!

Sound too familiar? Well, good news!

Take a healthy breath in and stress less because I have discovered the missing glue…

What we are not told – I am sure you have heard upon your travels "what you can create in your reality begins with focus and acting on what you want"? Well, never a truer word spoken, but for me, a powerful part has been overlooked when focusing on what is wanted, and it is the simple question of "why do you want what you want, for what reason and is it authentic?".

I have worked with a vast amount of clients who come to me for both therapy and coaching, confused as to why they are not successful or why they never seem to have a lucky break like Jim next door.

Time and time again it becomes apparent that what people think they want, isn’t actually what they want – it turns out to be an expectation of what they think they should have or should be working towards, which is stress in itself and if it's not authentic and if you refuse to let it go, you're in for a really bumpy ride to say the least, with repercussions which at best can become a life lesson of 'here’s how not to do it’!

I believe if you have found yourself here reading my knowledge, then it is highly likely that you want to be the best version of you, because that is what my skills offer and what I achieve when working with clients. I am guessing each year you have personal and career goals including a plan to hit the big time or be at the top of your game and most importantly happy with personal success?

Well to benefit your stress levels and time management this year, I have discovered and offer you my goal setting strategy that works!

In a nut shell, if your goals are not in alignment with your authentic you, then they will not develop and importantly sustain – fact! I can work with you to show you how to break out of the repetitive cycle of murky dead ends and grab what it is you truly and honestly do want, effortlessly by the balls!

Experiencing first hand this light bulb insight and from the techniques I regularly practice in therapy and through coaching clients, I can teach you how to truly listen to your gut, use your own intuition armed with a strong self-belief and healthily unleash a sense of emotional freedom and natural flow which can clear your path for honest clarity and vision into why you want your goals and importantly if your goal is a towards or an away from goal – this is an NLP technique that all credible practitioners can offer, giving insightful knowledge and understanding into personal hidden goal drivers for effortless life transition.

So, if you too want continuous energy, high motivation and buzzing excitement to supercharge your authentic new year goals with continued progress, full health and happiness, get in touch, get your seat belt on and get ready to ignite from the small pond into your fabulous and shiny large pool, which of course is where your magic will begin.

What are you waiting for? January 2018?

Lorna x


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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