Stop, refresh, refocus, relax...
Relaxation is perhaps the single most important key to health and wellbeing and the best antidote for stress. Literally, relaxation is defined as 'the state of being free from tension and anxiety'. When you really understand the importance of this, it's not surprising to learn that being relaxed is one of the most powerful states you can experience - and one where so much more becomes possible. Many successful people across all walks of life know this and value the clarity and focus that relaxation brings. Relaxation, mindfulness and meditation continue to grow in popularity and have been the buzz words on the lips of many celebs, incorporated into schools, colleges, big business (Google now has its own ground-breaking mindfulness training programme called 'Search Inside Yourself'), used in Parliament and in the US Military for post-traumatic stress disorder.
In today’s world with our fast and busy lifestyles, it is almost normal for people to experience pressure. While not all pressure is bad and in fact ‘positive stress’ can be a motivating force, problems occur when ‘negative stress’ (that which you feel you can’t handle) is not managed. Most of us don't realise just how much tension we carry in our muscles and over time we can become chronically tense. The more tense we are, the more on edge we feel and the more tuned in we become to our already high levels of anxiety and stress. This can turn into a vicious circle. The results of this type of stress can be very damaging and can have a negative effect on all areas of life; work, relationships, exercise, health and success. Relaxation techniques have the ability to decrease anxiety and reverse the stress response.
Learning how to relax properly, can clear the mind, calm the emotions and result in a healthier body. In a relaxed state people are more creative and can solve problems more easily. They can also see things from a different perspective and do more than they originally thought was possible. You can’t always change the things that stress you, but you can change how you respond to them. Learning to actively balance pressure with time for reflection and relaxation can help you recover from the damaging effects of stress and allow you to operate more effectively, successfully and with ease.
Most relaxation techniques combine breathing deeply with relaxing the muscles. There are many different types of practice with a focus on relaxation but I'm including my top ten tips for you to try below:
Top 10 tips for relaxation
1. Breathing.
2. Silence/meditation/reflection.
3. Mindfulness.
4. Visualisation.
5. Adopt a more relaxed approach.
6. Do things you enjoy.
7. Make time for what's important - less is more.
8. Positive thinking - remove negativity, fears etc.
9. Make better choices.
10. Laugh.
Working with a NLP coach can help you understand the underlying causes of anxiety and stress and identify changes you might need to make. Effective NLP techniques can introduce you to new thought processes or ways of thinking that will bring balance to your life. While some practitioners might also include relaxation, meditation and mindfulness in their sessions or recommend courses to attend.