Life-balance is possible. Key points and quick tips.
Surrounded by newborn lambs, primroses, birdsong, and daffodils, it is easy to think about life balance. While the sun warms your face and pressures melt away, you let your mind dream.
As you imagine your perfectly balanced life, when you look in the mirror, you see a rosier, happier face, not a drawn one with heavy black rings around the eyes. Instead of being resigned to the day ahead, you feel strong and calm, able to handle whatever comes your way. Despite having a very busy schedule you know you are in control, when evening comes you will still be smiling.
Can this really be possible? Can this happen to me? Yes, if you are committed to making it happen. Don’t believe what the cynics say, life balance isn’t a pipe dream. It is possible and permissible if created personally by you.
Key points to get you started:
- There isn’t a one size fits all approach. What works for your partner, colleague, friend or neighbour, won’t necessarily work for you. It’s important to get a birds’ eye view – see the big picture. From this vantage point, it’s easier to understand what’s working, what isn’t working, what’s missing and what needs to change.
- Life balance doesn’t mean equal balance in all areas of your life, rather it is prioritising those things that rejuvenate you. It may take hard choices, what do you need to give up so you can start doing more fruitful activities?
- Don’t wait hoping something will happen. The place of tranquillity you long for won’t just appear. You have to actively make it happen and then ensure it continues. It may take a night, weekend or set of coaching sessions to get started but you’ll never regret taking the decision to make it happen.
- Doing and being. Life balance is about who you are as well as what you do. Rest is vital but it doesn’t necessarily mean sitting on the sofa and doing nothing. Time-out needs to be energising, something that renews and refreshes your mind, body, and emotions.
- Truly free time is non-obligated time. You may choose to spend it reading a book, visiting an elderly relative or training for a half marathon but the difference is that it is how you have chosen to spend your time. You are not fulfilling an obligation to someone or something else.
- Sometimes you may need to be creative about how you invest time and money. What do you need most at this point? Do you need to save for a two-week holiday or will you feel less stressed if the money is spent on the regular use of a health club or the monthly visiting of friends?
Developing and maintaining a healthy life balance will take focus, tenacity, and courage. It’s a challenge, but ask yourself; ‘do I want to carry on the way I am?’ Don’t look back and regret being stuck in a rut.