Feeling lost? How to find yourself again

Feeling lost. I hear this phrase frequently from potential clients I meet, or similarly; I'm stuck, going round in circles, in a rut. If you're feeling the same, it's time to find yourself again. 

So, how?

Life can feel overwhelming at times, with a sense of it being all too much to sort, fix, understand even and then make positive decisions about. It's a case of unraveling or just starting with some key foundations.

Firstly, it's important to know what's going in your world. Note the key headings of your life as it is, for example:

  • work/career
  • relationships
  • money/finances
  • health and vitality
  • emotional wellbeing
  • social life/friendships
  • interests/passion
  • learning/personal development.

How comfortable are you with each area? Tick the one(s) in which you feel good or on track or you're satisfied with your progress currently.

Does that reverse some of the anxiety? You're sorted in some good areas of your life. Even if it's just one!

What about the rest? Tackle them one at a time. What decisions do you need to make to feel better about that area? What needs to be done to move you forward? Write all your ideas down to create an action plan.

Finding ourselves is about connecting with what feels right and good. When our mind is muddled everything can feel as though it's crashing down.

We need to chunk things down to gain an understanding or what is working and what is not. We need to find ourselves by following our heart, mind and soul.

Decision making, action planning. It's a simple approach. It works. Please give it a go. Be more aware, more focused and ready to do what you have identified as needing to be done to find yourself. You deserve to.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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