Doughnut Thinking- A Confidence building technique

This is fantastic quick confidence building and will help you to start thinking of your positives, and more importantly write them down and get used to thinking of yourself in positive ways. The most important relationship you have is with yourself. Confident people have great self awareness they know what is great about them and what is likable about them, and this exercise will help develop your self awareness.

This is a technique called “doughnut thinking.” Thinking of the things you have got (doughnut) rather than the things you haven’t got (hole). A good start is to ask your friends what they like about you. Perhaps do this exercise with some other single friends and help each other. Draw a doughnut on a piece of paper. Then fill your doughnut with all the positives you can think of, no matter how big or small, for instance "I have nice hair" "I passed my driving test first go", "I am funny" etc.

Stick it on the wall or somewhere you can see it regularly. Now you can practice the new way of positive doughnut thinking focusing on the doughnut not the hole.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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