Wellness Watch

Spring time always brings me a feeling of newness, of wanting to renew, refresh, start again.  Magazines and journals are all full of new diets, getting ‘beach ready’ and it sometimes feels like there’s a lot of pressure on social media to look and feel gorgeous (that’s the subject of a whole new blog!!) This can lead to us frantically chasing our tails, starting new regimes and researching a load of ‘new’ ways to be fit and well. It bothers me that the ‘me’ that I am already doesn’t appear to be good enough – I always have to strive to be something better, bigger, more successful. It’s quite well documented that pressure to conform can lead to mental health problems, as in this article. http://bit.ly/2pMhzEK

One of the problems is that there are so many options to choose from, not least all the products you can buy to help make the process faster and easier. This can sometimes be overwhelming and lead to procrastination and, sometimes, an inability to make any progress at all. 

So, what to do? Over the years, through work with many clients, I’ve honed a very simple technique that has helped numerous people to really focus on what is good for them, not what society etc says they should do. When you’re using it, it allows you to work at your own pace, choose when and how you follow it and what it actually includes. Isn’t it great to be in control? I call it being on wellness watch; actually, the checklist itself isn’t that important, it’s how you use it that makes it different. 

Essentially, there are three straightforward areas to consider;




For each of these, you choose what you want to include; that’s why it’s tailored for you. There are no rules about it. So, you might include meditation in your spiritual practice, but will find that this is good for your mind too; you might go for a run, but find that this lifts your spirits too as you run through some lovely countryside. Get the picture? 

Actually, there is one rule – do at least one thing a day that cherishes and nourishes each of your areas. In this way, you’ll be treating your whole self. I’d encourage you to keep a note as you do your wellness watch each day so you can see how much progress you make. You’ll find that, within a short space of time, you’ll see, and feel, some changes in how you are. Notice and enjoy the changes that this simple system will bring as you bring out the best in you! And, when you’ve tried it, share your success with friends, and let me know how well it works!!


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Prudhoe, Northumberland, NE42
Written by Tracey Hutchinson
MSc, NLP MPrac, Happy Brain Coach/Trainer, Advanced Hypnosis
location_on Prudhoe, Northumberland, NE42
Tracey is an experienced coach, trainer, and facilitator inspiring people like you to make a positive and permanent change across any area of life. When you're ready to find out how easily and quickly Tracey can help you find your best self, please g...

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