Should I really see a Life Coach?

It is always interesting to listen to people talking in bars, pubs or just around your table.

For a lot of people, even in the XXI century, it is still a sign of weakness to see a Therapist or a Coach. For some of us, it’s even the sign that you are “nuts”...

In the corporate world, it is a normal procedure and for so many executives, managers, CEOs, coaching is part of the weekly schedule.

At the same time, you don’t need to be rich to have a coach. You just need to know how much it costs you not to have one. When you are on our own, you always think the same way; you ask yourself the same questions and avoid the right questions. It’s not that you don’t want to progress: it is more about a sort of self-protection against what hurts and what is possibly embarrassing or difficult to deal with.

A coach helps you to define your real goals, helps you go beyond your limitations and limiting beliefs. If we don’t believe that we can achieve something, in fact, you will conform to this belief.

Henry Ford said: ”Whether you believe you can do it or you can’t, either way you are right”.

The first quality of a coach is to listen; the second one is to ask the right questions. On the top of this, the Coach always looks at you with positive eyes and makes you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you can start to imagine that you are worthy of what you really want.

Despite our beliefs, many of us have confidence problems and this lack of confidence separate us from our real dreams and full potential. We usually limit ourselves in strange ways. We easily doubt that we deserve success, but success can only occur if we do what we really enjoy, what we are passionate about.

Being our true self, we can accomplish what we are supposed to and there’s no dream too big for someone with a real faith in him/herself.

Coaching can make a significant difference in your future. Even if it is your ego telling you that you need no help from anyone, would it not worth a try and judge by yourself?


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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London, SE20
Written by Denis Gorce-Bourge
MANLP - RMT, Business, Career & Life Coach, Author & Speaker
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Denis is a Business, Career & Life Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Author & Speaker. He published 3 books and hundreds of articles in professional sites and magazines. PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Denis has over 25 years’ experience in accom...

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