In a world full of choices, what will yours be?

In a world full of choices and endless things to want, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.


When it comes to being healthy and happy, there's a lot of advice out there about stuff like staying mindful, eating right, and exercising. However, the real crux of the matter is that none of this matters if you are not ready to confront, explore and challenge what is really going on with you. Yes, you can read books that inspire you and give you hope, but they are not the same as talking therapy. Having someone to talk to is much more helpful than reading alone.

When you hear your voice, it’s almost like you are gaining your own validation and clarity around what you are saying. Sitting in a safe space to share your innermost feelings with someone who is totally transparent with you can be liberating and bring about great change. It’s comforting to know that at the end of the phone, WhatsApp, or email, as well as your face-to-face therapist, you also have a support buddy in me.

I will do my best to reach within you to help you uncover your issues, and help you identify what the root cause of your issue(s) is. When we generally talk in therapy, we talk about something that is pressing in the present moment. However, where does that come from? A lot of our learned behaviour stems from childhood, the environment we grew up in, our parents and our extended family. Going deeper into exploring the past can most definitely help you to understand the future and why you may be feeling the way you do.

There will never be any judgment from me because, from one person to another, we have all experienced life in some way, whether good or bad. We have all walked a path that perhaps took the wrong turn at some stage in our lives. So how did we deal with that, if indeed we ever did?

As you sit before me, I want you to know that I am going to do my best to bring out the best in you. Life is short and opportunities are many but with the wrong mindset and outlook on life and fear of not being heard the way you want to, you can sabotage what could be a lovely, happy life. Don’t let fear or past experiences hold you back from natural growth.

Embrace your experiences, reflect on them and show the world that no matter what path you took, no matter how challenging your life has been, you will rise above and reach a place where you can find happiness, love, warmth, kindness and most of all belonging. Belonging to yourself, knowing yourself, loving yourself and being proud of yourself because within us we all have strength and resilience that is sometimes hidden behind a barrier – and that barrier can be broken down with the help of your therapist.

So, let’s start this journey from A and design a path to get you to Z. It will take time, dedication, consistency, willpower, and determination but start with the end in sight. Visualise this happy you, use your imagination because anything is possible if you really put your mind to it. 

Life's short, and there are lots of chances for happiness. But if you're stuck in a negative mindset or afraid to speak up, you might miss out. Don't let fear or past mistakes hold you back. Embrace your experiences, learn from them, and show the world how strong you are.

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can start today, setting yourself goals is paramount in achieving the success that we all desire and how one measures success is never the same as another. Success to one may be having a big house, posh car and lots of money. Success to another may simply be to be happy and content with life. 

I am in the process of completing my e-book, Master your mind, master your life, so if anyone would like a copy, please email me using the button below.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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