How we Learn – What’s your Style?
How we like to take information in is important to how we learn. Mostly you can tell how people learn by simply listening to the way that they talk about their world. There is no right or wrong way to learn but your learning style is important to you in establishing how you see the world. Some people have a particular learning style others like to use a blend of all two or all three modes when learning something new. It is helpful to understand how you learn and choose the right learning methods or options for you.
VAK = Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic.
- Visual learning style preference for seen or observed ways of leaning use phrases like ‘the way I see it is’ or ‘I see what you mean’. People with a visual learning style respond well to drawing, visualisation, pictures, models and diagrams.
- Auditory learning style preference for the spoken word, sound and noises use phrases like, ‘That rings a bell’, ‘That sounds like a good idea’. People with an auditory learning style respond well to story, metaphor, scenario creation, discussion and music.
- Kinaesthetic learning style preference for physical experience for touching, feelings, doing use phrases like ‘how do you feel’ or ‘let me try’. People with a kinaesthetic learning style respond well to analysing using situational models, working with clay, mask making, design/creation activities and movement.
In the coaching situation offering creative methods as a choice, an addition to talking, enables the client to actively agree to experiment and minimises defensive reactions. Choice can be offered by matching activity to your client’s learning preference, or to the situation that needs to be explored. Sometimes deliberately moving someone out of their comfort zone (with their consent) and extending their skills by offering an unfamiliar activity which is not their identified learning preference can really get the idea’s flowing.
Do you know how you learn? We are all different and learn in different ways. There are many ways of assessing how we learn including a simple VAK Assessment available on-line at the business balls website.