Young adults - Are you ready for your next step?
How ready are you for your next step?
No doubt at some point soon you’ll be getting ready for the next step or stage in your life which may be something new and unfamiliar.
It could be:
- Starting college or university.
- Starting work.
- Moving to a higher level of education.
- Working on a project.
- Leaving home and maybe one or more of the above!
Here are a few questions to get you thinking about this exciting next move.
[Jot notes as you work through this worksheet and have your diary to hand as well – you may want to plan in things to do].
In my experience, the more prepared you are for your next step/transition, the more enjoyable it will be and you’ll be in the best place to be more successful.
Sound positive?
Are you ready?
Question one: How comfortable are you when thinking about your next step/new situation?
Imagine it’s the day before you start whatever the next step in your life is – how are you feeling?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = On edge/uncomfortable.
Five = Somewhat nervous, but excited too.
10 = Relaxed/calm.
What is it that gets you feeling like you do?
What would you call your feeling?
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question two: Do you know what things you need to be able to do before taking this next step?
E.G. Shopping for food, making a meal, washing and ironing, keeping a diary, time-keeping.
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = Not thought about it yet.
Five = There are a few things – and it would be really helpful if I was able to do these things before I made my next step!
10 = I’m really well prepared and confident that I can get by.
What would be really useful to learn how to do? How will I learn how to do it?
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question three: How skilled are you at prioritising effectively?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = Not so great to be honest! I rely on other people to tell me about any deadlines and then usually end up rushing and not doing as good a job as I know I can.
Five = I have lists of things to do, but sometimes they’re in my head, so things slip – or I do the not-so-important things before the more important things.
10 = I keep lists. I know what my priorities are on a daily basis and I plan those in the diary first, so the other things fit around that.
How can prioritising effectively help you in your next step?
Note: It doesn’t have to be work or study – it could be family or friends. Only you know at any point in time what your priorities are.
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question four: How proactive are you?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = I wait to see what comes my way. I don’t make things better or worse, things just happen.
Five = Sometimes I’m in the driver’s seat. Other times I’m a passenger, looking out of the window at what other people are doing.
10 = I’m responsible for making things happen for me. I think ahead and consider what I can do. If I make a mistake, I consider what I’ll do differently next time.
Has this question made you think differently about your next step?
In what way?
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question five: How comfortable are you to seek help when it’s needed?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = I don’t ask, I try to do everything myself.
Five = I don’t like to ask, but if I’m really stuck I do ask for help – although sometimes it’s a bit last minute!
10 = I always seek help if it’s going to help me achieve something better – I use books, the internet, friends, colleagues, family – you could call it a support group!
What ‘support group’ do you have? Make a list of people.
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question six: How’s your financial planning?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = I’ve not done this before, so I don’t know what to do!
Five = I know what money I have, and I plan ahead for some things, but definitely not on a daily basis.
10 = I know exactly what money I have and what needs to pay for on a daily basis (food, rent, transport etc.) I use a notepad or spreadsheet to keep track.
What are the benefits of keeping track of your finances?
Now make some personal notes for yourself...
Question seven: Do you enjoy socialising/meeting people?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = Not particularly because I can’t think what to say – so I tend to keep myself to myself.
Five = I find it all a bit awkward – but enjoy it once I know someone better.
10 = Yes, I love learning what other people have been doing, listening to stories, their points of view answering their questions about what I’m doing.
How will meeting and talking with people help with your next step?
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question eight: How highly do you think of what you’ve achieved to date?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = I don’t like to think about what I’m good at – although I often think about what I’m bad at!
Five = I know I’ve accomplished some pretty good things – but at times I do have this inner voice chattering away, making me doubt myself.
10 = I’ve kept track of my achievements and am proud of them – however big or small. I think rationally and positive about things.
Think, really think about everything you’ve achieved. Make a list.
How can you use these achievements to feel confident about your next step?
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question nine: Do you know what you want to be doing in 2 years’ time? Where you’ll be? What you’ll have accomplished? What will your life look like? What will you be thinking and feeling?
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One = Not thought about it yet.
Five = What I’m doing now will lead to where I’ll be in two years’ time, so I’ve given it some thought, but not much more than that.
10 = Yes, I’ve given this some thought – and it’s really exciting. I believe staying focussing on it will help me achieve it.
Lots of questions here!
Take some time to visualise your life in two years’ time from now so you’re really clear where you’re heading.
Have you seen people using a sat-nav? It won’t get you to your destination without programming the destination into it – you’ll just end up travelling around without a purpose.
Now make some notes for yourself.
Question 10: What should this last question be?
Make it up yourself and answer it!
Answer _____ (one-10) on the basis that:
One =
Five =
10 =
Now make some notes for yourself.
OK, so what are you going to do with your notes now?
Make a list of ACTIONS - Plan when you'll take these actions.
Enjoy the exercise, enjoy the next stage of your personal journey.
I wish you well.
Rebecca Gooch Career Coaching.