A perfect coaching client
A 'perfect' client is someone who wants to change or recognises they need to in order to feel happier and healthier and be more efficient and effective than they were previously. There is no competition with anyone but themselves.
Someone who looks for coaching is looking to improve their insights, their personal power, and control over their lifestyle and who isn't afraid to ask for help when they realise that something about them has to change and they are ok 'admitting' this to themselves and open up to someone else - namely the coach, their management team, and, maybe, family.
What makes the perfect client?
- a willingness to change in coming months
- an interest in learning new skills and insights
- able to recognise when things aren't working as well as they could
- openness to try new things, even those they might not initially 'believe in'
- open to seeing new perspectives - from the coach, their experiences with other clients, or those they find whilst discussing what is already going on for them
- someone who gets excited when they 'discover' new, helpful things about themselves
- those people who want to keep moving forward, getting better, and explore more of their potential
- a person who wants to be and become their best self - to 'self-actualise' and be the person they know they can be with a little effort and understanding
- someone who is honest and happy to share, even when that comes with time and building trust with your coach - it's never going to be easy to open up your inner self to a complete stranger at first, is it?
The fact is that anyone and everyone could be the 'perfect coaching client'.
It might just require a tweak in trust and confidence to open up and be more honest about what isn't working for you, or you aren't giving enough right now.
You can always benefit from coaching - sometimes your parent has coached you, your colleagues help you with tasks and roles, your manager with how to behave and get the most out of yourself for the team, or your company training courses on offer that involves coaching.
Coaching involves reflection about yourself, insights that you can discover, about making plans and acting on them - taking the necessary action steps consistently to achieve the goals you have clarified with your coach. Unearthing your innermost beliefs and expectations that inform how you behave and think; that could be holding you back right now, but once removed forever, you can never be the same person again, but an improved version of yourself.
Are you ready for coaching?
Could you be a perfect coaching client or is this the perfect time for coaching for you? The perfect time for coaching might be anytime or sometimes, for you or yours.
- relationship changes or problems for couples, families, friendships, or colleagues
- career development needs - promotions, new companies, team building, mediation
- lifestyle opportunities - gap year/sabbaticals, retirement, marriage/divorce, children
- self-esteem or confidence issues, personal growth and development, or self-awareness
- emotional intelligence and making the most of who you are and natural tendencies
- when illness strikes or you have come through tough times and need a boost
- preparing for options and being ready for opportunities you are looking for
- tips and tools, techniques that take you forward to where you want to be
Anytime is the perfect time - it depends on what is happening for you. When you start a new job, take a promotion, move into a new relationship, take the next step in your life, or feel stuck - or have a dream to live!