Relaxation mindfulness meditation - ongoing practice

01233 878 474 01233 878 474 / 07968 785 714 07968 785 714
15th February - 12th April 2019, 10.45am - 12.00pm
Open to all
Charing Surgery, 1 Surgery Close, Charing, Kent, TN27 0AW

Following the success of previous programmes and  feedback received, Yvonne runs an eight week programme for ongoing practice. It's suitable for anyone that's already attended a programme with Yvonne or those with some understanding of the techniques.

10.45am-12pm weekly from Friday 15th February - Friday 12th April 2019 (excluding Friday 29 March).

One of the biggest challenges people face when learning these techniques is finding the time or discipline to build them into their lives. The key is simple, but not always that easy to achieve - practise, practise, practise. As you become more used to the techniques, you will find it easier to incorporate them into your life.

Sessions provide the time and space to develop your practice. The programme includes exercises you may have learnt with Yvonne before and some new ones. You'll be able to explore what is and isn't working for you and benefit from the group dynamics, which are always supportive, motivational and fun. Participants really value the benefits of this structured, ongoing approach.

Eight week programme - £95. Book online or call Yvonne for further information.

A further eight week ongoing practice programme will run in the Autumn:

10.45am-12pm, Friday 13th September - Friday 1st November 2019.

Parking in the Surgery Car Park.

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Hosted by Yvonne Fernando

Course run by Yvonne Fernando, NLP master practitioner and life coach. This eight week course format provides the opportunity to learn more about and develop practice in these valuable techniques. The group dynamics are supportive, motivational & fun. Yvonne often includes relaxation, mindfulness and meditation in her one to one work too.

Hosted by Yvonne Fernando