Overcome anxiety and stress

01233 878 474 01233 878 474 / 07968 785 714 07968 785 714
10th April 2018, 10.00am - 1.00pm
Open to all
Charing Surgery, 1 Surgery Close, Charing, Ashford, Kent, TN27 0AW

The role of the mind and emotions in your state of health is a vital one. It's an essential component to the healing process. By understanding this relationship you can claim a greater role in your own wellbeing. Yvonne has created a series of NLP & health workshops focused on different aspects of health and how NLP can help.

Anxiety and stress are becoming more acute and widespread in today's fast-paced, pressurised world. If left unchecked, they can spiral out of control, throw us off balance and impact all areas of our lives. Anxiety, stress and depression can be closely linked and unless addressed, can develop into a destructive cycle.

Managing yourself and taking control, along with understanding what you want, expressing yourself and confronting things, allows you to create a better state of being, which in turn will have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. NLP can support you in a number of ways, so you will be more able to manage situations and flourish under pressure.

In this practical and informative workshop you'll learn about:

  • Your state, how you can manage it and change it
  • Your own resources
  • Anchors and triggers
  • A problem vs an outcome focus
  • Stepping outside of yourself to get a fresh perspective
  • Expressing yourself
  • The power of relaxation.

You'll leave with some new ways of thinking and some techniques to bring more balance to your life. Group limited to 15 people.

Parking - in surgery car park

Further NLP & health workshops in the series:

  • The power of positive thought - Tuesday 15th May, 10am-1pm
  • When I love myself enough - Tuesday 12th June, 10am-1pm.
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Hosted by Yvonne Fernando

As a NLP master practitioner and life coach, Yvonne supports clients through change to give them more confidence, help them become 'unstuck' and move forward - keeping them focused, motivated and on track. Sessions are designed to open up horizons and create new possibilities. Yvonne also runs a range of inspiring workshops for positive change.

Hosted by Yvonne Fernando