Managing Christmas

01233 878 474 01233 878 474 / 07968 785 714 07968 785 714
16th November 2019, 10.00am - 12.30pm
Open to all
Charing Surgery, 1 Surgery Close, Charing, Kent, TN27 0AW

Yvonne has created a series of NLP and health workshops focused on different aspects of health and how NLP can help. Christmas is often full of mixed emotions and potentially stressful situations; lack of time, financial burdens, family tension and over-indulgence on top of normal workloads and regular commitments. You could be forgiven for forgetting what the season is supposed to be about, and it can be hard to focus on the things that matter like meaning, friendships, love, gratitude, peace and joy. It's no coincidence that people often come down with a cold or flu just after the festivities. Proof that even festive demands create stress on the mind and body.

By understanding more about the way your mind and body copes with stress, you'll be better able to use strategies designed to help you get the best out of the season.

In this workshop, you'll have time to stop, reflect and think about how you would like the season to be.

Using NLP techniques, you will: 

  • Recognise your holiday/season triggers
  • Understand ways stress can manifest itself particularly at this time of the year
  • Learn how to listen to your body
  • Identify ways to build resiliency for you to enjoy the season
  • Create and visualise an outcome you would like
  • Receive tips and remind yourself of what's important.

Chances are you'll leave feeling more positive, prepared and empowered for a better Christmas. This workshop promises to fun and informative. Also includes a special relaxation exercise for the festive season.

Includes light refreshments.

Parking: In surgery car park.

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Hosted by Yvonne Fernando

As a NLP master practitioner and life coach, Yvonne supports clients through change to give them more confidence, help them become 'unstuck' and move forward - keeping them focused, motivated and on track. Sessions are designed to open up horizons and create new possibilities. Yvonne also runs a range of inspiring workshops for positive change.

Hosted by Yvonne Fernando