Clear space clear mind

01233 878 474 01233 878 474 / 07968 785 714 07968 785 714
28th September 2019, 10.00am - 12.30pm
Open to all
Charing Surgery, 1 Surgery Close, Charing, Kent, TN27 0AW

Yvonne has created a series of NLP and health workshops focused on different aspects of health and how NLP can help. Clear space clear mind is about the value of clearing and freeing you up, whether it's in your mind, your environment or your life in general.

Clutter, whether it's physical, mental or emotional, can get in the way of enjoying the present. It can also stop people seeing things from a different perspective, thinking creatively and ultimately moving forward. Clearing up and letting go creates more space for the new and can bring about a sense of order, serenity, energy, completeness and pride.

In this workshop, Yvonne will introduce you to the Universal Cycles of Nature. This powerful self-development tool will help you become more aware of the cycles of change so that you can consciously create the experiences you want. People who do well in life are naturally attuned to these cycles. Being aware of the cycles can help you identify what you need to let go of and how to make space for the new.

We'll look at:

  • Where clutter is showing up in your life (relationships, emotions, beliefs, habits, or just 'stuff')
  • What you may need to let go of
    An exercise to tidy up loose end
  • Saying goodbye and saying hello
  • An introduction to the 'NLP grief and loss' process.

Chances are you'll leave feeling refreshed and liberated with some ideas and insights on how to clear more space in your mind and life.

Parking: In surgery car park.

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Hosted by Yvonne Fernando

As a NLP master practitioner and life coach, Yvonne supports clients through change to give them more confidence, help them become 'unstuck' and move forward - keeping them focused, motivated and on track. Sessions are designed to open up horizons and create new possibilities. Yvonne also runs a range of inspiring workshops for positive change.

Hosted by Yvonne Fernando