

Today is a wonderful thing.

A beautiful thing.

And you know what, it will only be here,


So, will you embrace today, appreciate today?

Or will you find yourself thinking about the rent that needs to be paid, or thinking of getting to payday, ‘I wish it was payday. I just want to get to the end of the month!’

Will you spend today thinking about the mortgage repayments, and how you need to find the money for your next instalment?

What I am saying is...

Will you live today or will you spend today living other days yet to come, or will you spend it living days gone by that don’t need to be thought about anymore?

If you don’t live today, will you spend tomorrow wishing you lived today?

Today take a look around you and take it all in, take in the day.

Have gratitude for the roof above your head.

Look at your children with wonder, even if they are arguing and becoming annoying. Take in the fact that you created them and that you are blessed.

Take time to enjoy the day because that day will only come once.

We need to enjoy the day because there will always be bills, problems will always occur, struggles will always come around and the past will never change no matter how much we think about it.

So take today for what it is and embrace it.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Shepherds Bush, London, W12
Written by Damian Duguid
location_on Shepherds Bush, London, W12
My name is Damian Duguid and I am a life coach I work with people who want to accountable and disciplined. If you like this article and would like to talk about how you can put this into practice contact on

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