Three areas where business coaching can help you

It can be lonely at the top - and trying to get there! Many find it is a real asset to have a confidential and objective coach in your corner, whose main aim is to get you where you want to be (even if you aren’t always sure where that is). A coach can mean the difference between a burn out and success. They are also there to help you discover how to make the most of that success. Below are just three areas in which business coaching can help, whether you are an entrepreneur, owner, in the exec team or even working your way up the ladder.

Creating considered changes and good decisions

There are many decisions to be made on a daily basis and being able to make them in a balanced and confident manner is essential. Making decisions because we feel we have to or are under pressure to do so won’t get us the results we want. Coaching can help you keep a level head and see all the options in front of you, ensuring your decisions will be working toward your goals.

Businesses need to adapt and change in order to survive, and change can be a wonderful thing, but not everybody finds it easy. Coaching will help you feel balanced in your approach, stay objective and ensure that the changes and decisions you make are supporting your purpose going forward. 

Work life balance

Sure we need to put in the energy, be 100% committed and work for success. It needs to get us what we want professionally but it also has to deliver for us personally. Sometimes a business can feel all consuming and I often hear how this has had a negative impact on personal relationships. A good coach will help you to draw that balance. Open up better communications with both loved ones and colleagues. Manage expectations and allow everyone, including you, to get to enjoy the good side of you, not just the stressed busy one. 

Of course, there may always be times when work has to take priority, but there is a big difference between that and getting stuck on an ever faster hamster wheel of work. A coach will help you achieve a balance and ensure that your work is supporting your life and not the other way around. They’ll also help you switch off at those important times you have put aside to do so. 

Public speaking and better communication

If you find the right coach who is trained in voice, they will also be able to help you communicate better in order to more effectively achieve your aims. Whether your knees turn to jelly at the thought of speaking in front of particular groups or you just need to find ways to put your point across at the same time as getting others on your side, a good speaking and communications coach will be able to really help you. Much of it is about finding an authentic inner confidence, staying calm under pressure and building a rapport that engages and naturally persuades. Learning how to sound great also helps! If you find the right coach they will be able to identify what needs to change and have the techniques available to allow you to do it as effectively as possible. 

There are many other areas in which a life and business coach can help. It can be a seriously good investment - and surprisingly reasonable when you look at the benefits. Have a chat with your prospective coach, you need someone you can speak with openly and honestly. Let them know what you think you need, but more than that, what you’d like to change or where you’d like to get to. Remember though, this isn’t a job interview. It doesn’t matter where your coach sees themselves in five years time or what achievement they are most proud of. What matters is that they can help you get where you want to be in a way that works for you. The results can be amazing!


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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London SW6 & W1D
Written by Rachel Coffey
Coaching - Life Coach, Career Coach, Voice Coach MA
location_on London SW6 & W1D
Rachel is a leading life and career coach, voice coach and communication coach. She works in a confidential, practical and intuitive way. Using innovative and person centred techniques, she helps her clients create real and lasting change in which ca...

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