Prioritise your priorities
You know how it this time of the year people make half-hearted New Year resolutions through some sense of tradition and thinking that it is “the done thing”, without fully committing to making the necessary steps to achieve their goals. Therefore most people allow these goals to quickly fall by the wayside.

Goal setting shouldn’t be restricted to your January to-do list but instead should be on your agenda throughout the year. It doesn’t have to be about one big fresh start, but it can be about attainable goals and taking small steps to help you actually achieve what really matters to you.
With too many things on our mind, it is often hard to know what to focus on and it is easy to lose sight of what is important to us. You cannot hit a target you cannot see, so to help you figure out your goals and priorities you might want to ask yourself the questions below. Before you do though... grab yourself a pen and paper, sit in a quiet corner with no distractions and off we go!
How you can get started
1. Think about your life. What things matter to you right now that you would like to change?
Write them down and put them in order of priority. Tackle each one at a time.
2. What actions do you need to take to draw you closer to your goal?
Be realistic and specific with order, dates, time of completion etc.
3. Which action will have the most impact or contribute to your success the most?
4. Write down: “The consequences of me not taking this action are..."
5. What obstacles are in your way and how can you overcome them?
Now that you thought about your goals and priorities all that is left to do is to take action. Action speaks louder than words. Before you know it with a little bit of commitment and determination, taking small steps will lead to a bigger goal and the change you want.