Nine tips for greatness

I have nine tips to share with you on what unlocks our greatness. These came together in two ways. The first is related to an inspiring talk I heard by Michael Bungay-Stanier at a recent conference I attended through the Association for Coaching. This has been truly transformational. An epiphanous moment! The second has been reflecting on my coaching experiences and, in particular, a session I had recently had with a client. When asked about their reflections and what they have learned - is it more peace, more freedom, more compassion, more balance in my life?

Both speak to seeing clearly… That shift is analogous to those physical changes I experience after swimming in cold water! This is a summary of those thoughts…

1. Set worthy goals! 

Michael talked about coaches’ shifting behaviour by “unlocking our greatness by working on the hard stuff”.

What really struck me was the idea of setting “worthy” goals, goals that push you, unlock our greatness by working on the hard stuff. I say “our” goals as this seemed to resonate with the idea that goal setting can be as important to the client and to the coach.

The journey to greatness begins with goal setting. 

Michael linked goal setting to three elements. First, make sure your goal(s) are thrilling. My take on this is to ask what gets you going? What excites you? What lights you up?

Next is to make sure your goal(s) are important. This takes you to the next step or that leap. You go beyond yourself; in other words, you are giving more than you take.

This leads us nicely to our third element for our “worthy” goal(s). This last piece is what will push you, unlock your greatness. It will be that element that makes your goal(s) daunting as you’ll be working on the hard things.

In summary, when starting on your coaching journey and setting your goals, construct them around being thrilling, important and daunting.

Once you’ve written, framed, and articulated these. Call this your first draft, and ask yourself is this your best? What can I do to improve on this? You might want to use a scoring system. The key is to push yourself a little more to fulfil your potential to be at your best.

2. Show that you are positive

First, when looking out into the world from your window of life, show you are positive and smile. A smile crosses boundaries and cultures. Even if you don’t feel like it, a smile can change your mood.

3. Seek a fulfilling life. Listen to your heart!

Be curious, open to experience, develop a wise mind, experience emotions, both positive and negative ones. Think about those experiences and try to make sense of them. Your growth, self-compassion, autonomy, self-acceptance, purpose in life, are all linked to a fulfilling life. 

4. Have a routine and stay organised

Practically, this is about having a routine and being organised. It means you can move through your morning, day week or month without thought, and with confidence. It helps establish healthy habits. Write lists, they keep you on track and give you something you can come back to if and when you get distracted!

5. Manage your energy

Work out when to work hard and when to pause and recharge. Work these out. Find out what makes you tick! Energy levels vary from person to person and from day to day, week to week, month to month.

This is true for emotional energy, physical energy, and mental energy. Working on aligning body, mind and heart. Reflect on this as there are several factors that will influence how much energy you have. 

By managing your energy levels, you can become more productive, fulfilled and be in a better position to accomplish your worthy goals. You’re in a better position to accomplish these when you’re not overworked and exhausted. 

Linked to managing your energy is understanding yourself. 

6. Write and reflect 

Writing can help! Keep a journal. A journal will help track and note what energises you and drains you and help you keep a pulse on what’s important for you - your values.

You can track these for all aspects of your life and get a sense of what you really value and want to spend time and energy on?

7. Plan your day, your week, your month

You could break it down a bit like a diary with tasks to achieve. Ask what do you want to achieve today, this week? Keep a log of your own wellness practices. Couple this with long term outcomes for you.

8. Seek clarity and be disciplined, though leave a little wiggle room

Life isn’t always easy, give yourself space with mindfulness or yoga practices, swimming, walking, you will then be able to visualise your worthy goals often. Discipline allows freedom, it doesn’t give you the option to veer off… Set a schedule, keep determined, push your limits, grow.

9. Be a leader

When you are on your path, lead others, share, learn and be generous. Give more than you take!

Life coaching can help you learn how to better manage your energy levels and increase your well-being in all areas of your life to see how it can work for you. 

A coach can help you stay accountable to your goals. Goals must get you going, light you up, take you beyond yourself and push you to unlock your greatness.

They are thrilling, interesting and daunting. 

What are your thoughts on this? If this resonates, leave a comment. If you need help on any of these points or finding more balance, happiness and purpose, please do email or message me.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Oxford OX1 & London SE5
Written by Wesley Powley-Baker
BA (Hons), MA | Professional Life Coach and Mentor
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Written by Wesley Powley-Baker Life Coach. My coaching is tailored around you. You set the direction and where you would like to get to. I ask you to be ambitious for yourself and your world and to set yourself worthy goal(s). As a coach we will craf...

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