Give yourself time to change
As the dust settles once again on the Christmas season, everyday life slowly picks up pace. Whether we had the best festive season or the worst, those first days back at work or back to our old commitments can sometimes seem a stretch.
Maybe though it's time to open our eyes. What we do today creates our tomorrow. How we think today shapes it and how we feel colours it. Although we may not always see it, change can begin in the smallest of ways, even on the dullest of days.
Sometimes people say to me that they have kept things the same because they couldn’t see how to change it. They weren’t sure what they wanted. Sometimes people say that they didn’t have the energy or they felt too down. But here’s the thing, coping with stress, a lack of confidence or a situation we don’t want to be in, takes up a huge amount of energy and even time. It is a heavy load to carry. The moment that load begins to lighten ,things start to get easier, sometimes right away. The key is to make a decision and act upon it. Just making a decision that you’d like things to be different and doing something about it. The beginning is that simple.
The world is full of possibilities. Good and bad. They are all there for the making and all there for the taking too. It’s our choices, conscious and unconscious that take us along a particular path. Even if we have found ourselves in circumstances not entirely of our own making, what we do next is up to us.
If you think it is time to move forward, do yourself a favour and make life brighter, coaching can help to get you where you want to go. Even the seemingly most self-assured people can benefit from having a dedicated person on their side. It can make the difference between taking the long route round and overthinking, to feeling supported, with a sense of direction and purpose. And importantly having a confidential and impartial expert meaning you’ll be in safe hands.
January is a great time to change.