Get your mojo back
The sun is shining (well, some of the time at least!) but it doesn’t always mean we feel at our best. Maybe it's time to wipe away the cobwebs and make the most of ourselves. Whatever it is that might have been holding you back, work issues, stress or just wanting to move on, this is a great time of year to get your mojo back. That way you can get the best out of summer and really feel like you again.
Here are three ways that we can deal with issues and so let ourselves enjoy the summer months:
Look to the future
Sometimes it can be hard to see past the end of next week. It can actually be easier to decide how you’d like things to be in six months or a year from now. Once you have done so, get a really clear picture of it in your mind. Don’t limit yourself, it doesn’t matter how far it seems from how things have been. Imagine it really clearly. Then, ask yourself what’s the one thing, however small, that you can do today or this weekend to begin on your journey to where you want to be? Decide and do it. Every journey really does start with the first small step.
Be up front about the past
I’m not talking about wallowing here. However, if you feel there has been something that has been holding you back rather than bury it, face up to it and decide if its time to sort it out or let it go. If so, do what you need to do to finally move on. That might be coaching or talking to someone. You’ll be struck by how much lighter you feel once you choose to stop it having an impact on your life.
Strategies for stress
Feeling really under pressure can feel almost unbearable. What we often don’t see when we are in the middle of it, is that our ideas about our situation and the way we are dealing with it can sometimes be perpetuating or even adding to the issue. This can happen when something has started off small and gradually grown so we have ended up feeling overwhelmed. Take some time and maybe get some help or coaching to see things from a different perspective. Get a new strategy together. Take the emotion out of it and see things for what they are. Once you do this, you will be amazed how much better you feel. From there, you might be surprised how much more manageable things turn out to be. Taking the effort out and making clear cut decisions will enable you to move forward - in the best way for you.
Wherever you are at, however you feel, it really is possible to make a change. I see it happen on a daily basis and it is so rewarding to see people lighter, brighter and more relaxed. It is time to take care of yourself, make the best of the better weather and become the best that you can be. That way you’ll be free to achieve what you really want.