Comfort Vs. Courage

Our world and our experiences are defined by our thoughts and level of awareness, relating to our own personal journey in this world. It is rare that our most comfortable experiences in life help us to grow and extend beyond our personal boundaries. It is often those experiences that challenge our personal boundaries, those innate corners of ourselves that are often protected by an alter ego, or alternative defence mechanism that have served us well this far on life’s journey. As a trusted friend, our secondary support or defence is challenged along life’s journey and each challenge brings options and opportunities to tread a different path to do things differently.

It never ceases to amaze me, that there are some really incredible examples of people who are willing to challenge the safety of their intimate and trusted friend, to experience the discomfort of their personal parameters usually resulting in great change for themselves and others. For this to be achieved we all need to respect and honour those innate corners of ourselves that have served us well this far. Neglecting to do so, only serves to strengthen the resolve of old habitual behaviours that firmly keep us where we are.

Preservation of the status quo, can have a very strong hold - it often represents our connection and our acceptance and even our livelihood, as we know it. Our experience in the discomfort (dis-ease zone) can take many turns and be either incredibly short lived or prolonged, that is, if we ignore the warning signs that present us with experiences that can range from discomfort to excruciating pain. This is when our very trusted friend, is challenged on all levels of protection. We are thrown into confusion, is it me, what has caused this to happen and why? Our most severe consequence of having ignored the short warning signs as a result of self-preservation is often ill health, or an accident. At this point we are advised to STOP!

And do what? Take the courage to feel the discomfort, the disconnection, the dis-ease - then accept that it is a part of us, acknowledging that we have ignored something previously that is now shouting at us.

You are not where you should be!

You are off course!

You are not doing what you are meant to be doing!

It just doesn't feel right!

It does not fit who I am anymore!

There lies both the pain and the resolution, by accepting that part of us that has been creating opportunities, offering us those diamonds and pearls to change, we can be lead to our path of personal discovery, by the simple acceptance, recognition and respect for the other voice within, we have actually moved a mountain!! 


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Durham, DL17
Written by Hazel Rowell-Peverley
Life Coach HR Consultancy Mentor Supervision and Mediator
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