A-Z guide to finding work you love - letter S
S = Sumday Isle
If you're serious about finding work you love, you're fed up with the mediocrity of your current job and you've had enough of that Monday morning (or Sunday night) feeling, this is where you don't want to be - Sumday Isle.
Sumday Isle is the place where you simply talk about doing something different. If you're on Sumday Isle you'll be saying to your colleagues, 'this time next year, I'll be doing something different, something fulfilling... I may even be running my own business.' Sumday Isle is a place where you simply talk. You don't take action. Tell a lie, the only action you'll take is to look through a few online vacancies, decide there's nothing suitable for you and conclude that you'll just sit back and wait for the ideal opportunity to fall into your lap (or laptop!).
Sumday Isle is a place where you are reactive, not proactive. Sumday Isle is the place for dreaming. You're in your comfort zone and you don't want to be stretched. You say, 'if something is meant to be, it will happen, eventually. Until then, relax, chill out, que sera sera... something will happen eventually, some day.
If you're serious about finding work you love, don't get stranded on Sumday Isle. Go somewhere else and take action. If you're already on the island and you want to leave, it's still possible. One possible exit is to contact a career coach to discuss your current situation and what you can do to take your first steps off the isle. He or she will be able to help you to answer three essential questions to help you take the necessary steps: who am I? What do I want? How do I get it?
To watch the vlog version visit https://youtu.be/8V3RxtSkTsI