5 ways NLP coaching can help you achieve your career goals
An increasing number of people are recognising the benefits of NLP in helping them achieve their career goals.

More and more people are seeking out and applying to work with NLP Practitioners. Often this is because friends tell them that NLP will help to ‘fix’ the situation they are in. They don’t necessarily know too much about NLP to begin with, but after a few sessions, it’s like the shades come off and they see things more clearly, gaining vital insights to help them make better decisions about their career.
This article will give you a short overview of how NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) can help you if you feel stuck with your career and aren’t sure what to do next.
It could be that you want to change career, but you’re not sure what to do next. Perhaps you’re in the right career, but you need some help with confidence or mindset to move forward. Or maybe there are other issues elsewhere in your life that you need to attend to if you’re to achieve the life you want for yourself and your family.
So, here are five great ways career coaching using NLP can help you make the breakthrough you’re looking for to achieve your life and career goals.
How NLP can help
1. Gain a fresh perspective on your life and career
NLP is great for helping you work on beliefs about yourself, others and the world around you, which you’ve noticed are holding you back; limiting beliefs that stop you achieving your career potential or attaining the vision you have for your life.
In NLP, beliefs are treated as what we call pre-suppositions – not as facts or truths. Essentially, you have a conscious choice about what you believe, and if you don’t like the outcomes you get from a belief, you have the flexibility to change it.
This is really powerful if you’ve held long term beliefs like ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘everyone else is smarter’ or ‘I’ll never be happy’. Through working on why you hold these beliefs and exploring what belief would serve you better, we can re-programme how you view yourself and the world around you.
2. Understand your values better
Have you ever taken time to really get to the heart of what your values are? If you’re like the vast majority of people, this is not something you’ll ever have taken the time to do. Yet understanding your values is so important – because once you do, you are able to make better decisions in all areas of your life.
Values are essentially the things that are most important to you. They are principles or standards of behaviour which are formed from a very young age or through your experience of the world around you.
For example, the values that are most important to me include freedom, integrity, authenticity, fairness, fearlessness, and happiness. They are part of who I am and guide how I approach life.
If you do something that contradicts one of your core values, you experience a physical sensation that something is wrong. It could be a sinking feeling in your stomach, heart palpitations, or pain.
Once you’re properly in touch with your values, you feel like you know yourself better, and you can use your values to help you make decisions. Essentially, running the options past your values to work out what to do.
This includes your career, so is the career path you’ve chosen in line with your values? If not, this is more than likely the reason why you feel you need to make a change.
NLP is really effective in helping you to get clear on your values, which really helps clients who are looking to make a career transition.
3. Develop the resources to succeed
Sometimes it feels like you are on the right career path but you don’t have all the tools to achieve the success you are looking for.
This can manifest itself in a number of ways, such as shying away from promotions or getting struck by imposter syndrome – when you doubt your achievements and have an underlying fear of being found out to be a fraud, even though deep down you know you are good enough.
In NLP, we assume that everyone has the resources they need in order to succeed - or that they know how to develop them.
This could be by becoming more confident to deliver presentations, developing greater resilience to deal with setbacks, or improving your interpersonal skills to communicate better with clients and colleagues.
Don’t let things like this hold you back from what you want to achieve when NLP can help you move forward.
4. Change unwanted behaviour patterns
Do you repeat patterns of behaviour over and over again? If these behaviours get you the results you want, then great! However, it is time to change them if they stop you from accomplishing the things you want from life. A fundamental principle of NLP is if what you are doing isn't working, you should do something different.
Negative repetitive patterns of behaviour come up in all areas of life, such as work, relationships, eating, exercise or financial management. It can easily get to a point where they can feel crippling.
The good news is that using NLP, you can break these patterns and re-programme your brain to get the outcome you're looking for.
5. Develop a more flexible mindset
Sometimes people don’t accomplish what they want because they develop tunnel vision. They see one path only, rather than the wider spectrum of options available to achieve their chosen outcome. Perhaps you recognise this in yourself.
At its foundation, NLP is all about developing greater flexibility in how you approach life. Right now, it might feel like you can’t see the wood for the trees. By developing more flexible thinking, you will see the whole forest – every single tree.
There is always more than one way to achieve an outcome. The best way to make it a reality is not to stick rigidly with your plan if it’s not working. Instead, keep the end goal in mind while being open to all the options available to reach it.
Changing your mindset using NLP encourages greater curiosity, which leads to flexibility, success, and fulfillment.
I hope this short article has helped you understand a little bit more about NLP and why it is so effective in helping you achieve your career goals.
NLP is developed from modeling excellence, using these learnings to develop techniques that enable people to re-programme their brains to improve their performance, along the way understanding themselves better.
The human mind is an amazing and complex organ, which neuroscientists continue to learn more about all the time. The great thing is that the brain continues to evolve all throughout your adult life - a process known as neuroplasticity.
You don’t need to accept that you can’t do something just because you haven’t been able to up until now. You may just need some help and to try a different approach in order to get there.