Six ways to have an amazing and successful year ahead

It’s a fresh start to the year, so how have you been feeling about getting back into the swing of your daily life? You may be dusting yourself off from the turbulent months of 2014 or perhaps you are eager to tend to your 2015 garden of expansion.

First of all take a moment to tune in and connect to how you feel in your mindset and mood. Notice what emotion is most prevalent in your everyday life, does it serve you in a positive way or would you like to change your default settings?

Here are six things you can do to kick start a happy new you:

1. Get scribbling!
Write a bucket list, manifesting inventory, abundance mind map, or get arty and create a mood board. In order to get ahead and make things happen, you need to first decide what it is you want. It can be harder than it sounds!

2. Stretch your comfort zone
If you do the same old thing, have the same old routines, and think in the same old way, you will drift along the same old path. It’s really important to make an effort to change something if you want amazing things to happen this year.

3. Listen to your subconscious mind
How do you feel before you go to sleep or wake up in the morning? Our emotions drive our behaviours and deliver important messages from our subconscious mind. If the negative ones are ignored they can often manifest into physical pain. Many people are good at having a good moan about things, but what is it that you are unhappy about? Switch from doing the moaning to a more productive way of thinking. Start by noticing your language; negative language has a big impact on your mindset so consider re-framing what you say.

4. Be accountable for you
It’s easy to get on any bus if you don’t know where you are going, but there is no point in blaming the bus driver if you end up somewhere you don’t want to be. Taking responsibility for your actions and emotions is the only way you will ever be successful and happy at the same time. Many people allow themselves to be dragged along with the tide and then blame everyone else for their unhappiness.

5. Believe in the impossible
Life isn’t meant to be a stroll in the park, it comes with many natural ups and downs, but imagine a life with more ups than downs? In order to achieve success you have to believe in the impossible, be open to the absurd and take action in areas that may feel uncomfortable. The best way to get over fear is to smash right through it!

6. Make friends with yourself
What is the relationship like between you and you? Maybe you have never thought about it before and look to your external environment for things to make you happy. Of course there are many things that we think make us happy for a while, but what about when the buzz has worn off? Nothing in life can make you really, truly happy apart from your own self healing and sense of inner balance.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Hove BN3 & Brighton BN1
Written by Caroline Rushforth, Anxiety Specialist and Mindset Maven
Hove BN3 & Brighton BN1

Caroline is an NLP Life Coach who specialises in strengthening self-belief and confidence across all life areas, she uses her own carefully designed framework to assist you along your journey to success. Caroline is offering a Free 30 minute Discovery Session throughout January 2015. Sessions are available either face to face or via Skype.

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