Success coaching

Last updated 8th November 2022 | Next update due 7th November 2025

Coaching for success (also known as ‘success coaching’) is a form of coaching that specifically targets achieving personal or professional goals that will improve the prosperity of a client.

Success coaching is typically linked to people who want to have the tools and techniques to make the changes required to reach specific goals that result in more wealth. Success coaches are experts in managing the path to success and will utilise their expertise and objective perspectives to enable clients to reach goals quicker than they would on their own. 

What is the difference between a success coach and a life coach? 

Success coaching and life coaching are similar, although there are some key differences.

Life coaching has broader outcomes and will support a client to reach a vision of how they want their life to be, by understanding the blockers and providing a shift in thoughts and behaviours to make the vision become a reality.

Success coaching provides a more structured approach resulting in practical and realistic strategies to achieve goals using the resources the client has within them. 

For more information, read our What is coaching? page.

What is success coaching?

Success coaching is an educational relationship between the client and the coach. The coach will use their existing knowledge, skills, experience, and expertise to design, with the client, manageable plans to enable successful outcomes. 

Success coaching can be delivered by coaches who specialise in disciplines or who specialise in industries/sectors/niches. For example, some success coaches may be knowledgeable in business or leadership, focusing on skills across different groups of people or industries, and some may only work with clients in specialist industries, such as medicine, legal or sport.

In this instance, the knowledge of the chosen industry adds a deeper layer to the coaching relationship. Coaches with specialist industry knowledge already know of the challenges and realities their clients face.

Who uses a success coach?

Individuals who want to achieve more wealth by defining how to work around obstacles and seize opportunities.

Organisations who want to enhance the performance of their teams and drive business success by defining and reaching goals aligned with their strategic ambitions. Success coaching can be delivered to teams, individuals and/or clients who are served by the organisation.

What are the benefits of success coaching?

Success coaching will enable clients to reach ambitious goals quicker than they could on their own. Coaches will work with clients to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and how to capitalise on this awareness to be successful. Clients will become more conscious of themselves and understand how to manage their emotions, behaviours and actions to create a life of prosperity and abundance.

As success coaching can target specific ambitions, a return on investment can be identified and measured if this provides reassurance for the client. 

What can I expect from working with a success coach?

Individual experience 

A unique collaboration between client and coach, which will provide success plans tailored specifically to suit the client and the personal resources available to them at the time. Coaching can be delivered in many formats such as face-to-face, video calls, on the phone, or even by email if this is agreed upon by the client and coach. 

Organisational experience 

A business relationship between client and coach where desired outcomes can be agreed upon at the start to maximise the benefits and Return on Investment (ROI). Coaching can be delivered face-to-face or by video for individuals and/or groups.

Do I need a success coach or a life coach? 

If your goals are specific, such as wanting a promotion or becoming more prosperous, then success coaching will provide a structure to get you there. If your goals are ‘big picture’, such as achieving a lifestyle change, then life coaching will enable a shift to get you there. 

It is possible to have a coach who provides both, so please consider this when looking for a coach to work with. Similarly, it's common for clients to have personal and professional goals at macro and micro levels, so be sure to discuss this during the initial consultation.

This page was written by mindset and leadership coach, Cheryl Saggers, in October 2022.

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