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Licensed practitioner of NLP course
NLP can change your life in just seven days!
The seven-day licensed training will teach the attitudes, principles and techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, to increase personal effectiveness and to develop those skills in others.
On successful completion of the seven-day licensed NLP training, you will gain certification through the Society of NLP, the first and largest NLP Certification Organisation in the world. Your certificate will be signed by Dr Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming in the 1970s.
What can you expect?
You can expect to be trained by first class trainers, June O'Driscoll and Geoff Rolls, who are valuable members of the training assisting team of Dr Richard Bandler, John La Valle, Paul McKenna and Michael Neill at their NLPlLicensed training events in the United Kingdom.
You can expect to be trained in NLP the way it was created to be trained, through metaphors, language, strategies and fun!
This seminar will teach you the methodology and principles of NLP and will allow you to develop your abilities to be innovative and creative in its applications.
What will you learn?
You will learn the most up to date applications of NLP and develop the attitude required to develop the techniques. Your ability to communicate will be enhanced further through developing the abilities to install unconsciously. Special attention is devoted to eliciting and installing strategies, using enhanced understanding of both the Meta Model and Milton Model of communication and the ability to use metaphors to develop your communication further.
Ring June on 0787 6578055.

June O’Driscoll is a Licensed Master Trainer of NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy Trainer, Coaching Trainer & Supervisor, an Executive, Business and Life Coach with a huge wealth of knowledge developed over many years in large organisations. Geoff Rolls is a Licensed Trainer of NLP, Kinesiolgy Trainer, Coach Trainer & Coach. A Fun knowledgeable Team!