What is your busy mind trying to tell you?

We’ve all experienced a busy mind at one time or another. The internal monologue that might get louder just as you’re drifting off to sleep. Maybe it says 'hello' in the night when you wake up to use the bathroom, or perhaps it’s the first voice to greet you when you open your eyes in the morning.


We all have an inner voice, it’s what being human is. It's the voice that narrates our worlds, labels things for us, and has an opinion. Sometimes though, it can feel that someone has turned the volume up, the same issues are being ruminated on and it’s like we’re running around in circles in our heads, bickering, questioning ourselves. At times, the constant chatting can become exhausting, it can make it difficult to make decisions and even to find joy in the things we used to get joy from.
We can think or say things like: ‘I just can’t live with myself anymore’ or ‘I just wish my head would shut up’ or ‘it feels like my head might explode’…does that resonate with you?
If that sounds like you, what on earth is our busy mind trying to tell you and how can we make it stop or, at least, slow down a bit? How can we become more present and in life, instead of feeling trapped up in our noggins?
The volume is turning up and it’s becoming more insufferable because it’s requesting (or screaming at you) that you pause. That you stop and listen to what is lying beneath it all. Often, we can ignore it or just get on with our days feel anxious or irritable, hoping it’ll eventually go away. Even though much of what the inner voice is saying might feel irrational or just not really meaning much of anything and can just feel like noise, there is absolutely something it wants you to know.

So how do we pause and listen?

1. Get intentional

Make some time and space for yourself, where you can just be. Set the intention of hearing and feeling.

2. Get comfortable

It’s a good idea to find a safe space where you won’t be disturbed for a while. Take a moment to feel a sense of kindness towards yourself, exactly how you would if you were able to listen to a good friend.

3. Get writing

Putting pen to paper and let whatever flows, flow. Allow it all and be truthful and vulnerable. When we can see it, all written out and observe it, it can feel so much easier to work through it.

4. Validate it

Give yourself permission to let yourself know all of it is OK and give yourself the same kindness you would as you would to a friend who had the same feelings. It’s OK!

5. Take action

Ask yourself, ‘what do I need right now?’ and give yourself permission to meet those needs.
A busy mind wants and needs to be seen and heard, without judgement and with self-compassion. When we create space for it, we are able to release the feeling of ‘stuckness’.

Coaching can be an incredibly supportive space to allow you to become the observer, and to learn about yourself, your desires, and the areas you’d like to work on to create a life of more joy and more freedom.
If this sounds like something that could benefit you, I offer free consultation calls and would love to chat about how coaching might support you. 


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Peterborough, Cambs, PE6
Written by Emma Humphrey
Wellbeing & Mindset Coach and Dynamic Hypnotherapist
location_on Peterborough, Cambs, PE6
Emma holds a distinction-level diploma in personal performance coaching and is a dynamic hypnotherapist. Emma help's women who are ready to let go of all that doesn't serve them & to heal so they can live life more fully & purposefully, embodying the...

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