To make the leap or not to make the leap?

This could be due to your job, relationships, health or any other area for that matter.

Are you at a transition point in your life?

Times like these can be very confusing, overwhelming and even stressful for many of us.

Not knowing what the right next step could be; whether to take a leap of faith to something new or stay put (despite the frustrations there may be lots of positive reasons to stay where you are).

What do you do?

This is where coaching comes in and can be incredibly helpful in supporting you to clarify where you are right now, where you want to be, as well as exploring what’s stopping you from moving forward.

We are driven by our beliefs, values and experiences. These have an enormous impact on how we chose to live our lives as well as future decision making and life choices. This is often an unconscious process that we are not even aware of - coaching helps to bring these ‘unconscious patterns’ into our conscious awareness. By doing this, we can better understand why you do what you do, and make new choices if what you’re currently doing (you decide) is no longer serving you.

To give you a flavour of what this can be like, let's explore some questions together:

What's important to you in life? (These are your beliefs and values)

Tip: Drill down on your values by asking yourself 'why is this important to me?'. Do this a number of times until you get to the 'root or core value'.

For example:

  • I like autonomy at work - why?
  • I like flexibility and not being micromanaged - why?
  • I am confident in my own abilities - why?
  • I value self-expression - why?
  • Self expression represents freedom to me.

So in this example, freedom was the root/core value.

  • Reflecting on your current situation, how are you living these values?
  • What insights can you draw and apply (from these values) to your current situation?

This simple values exercise highlights and re-affirms what's important to you. Knowing this can really help to clarify your thinking and decision making process.

If you are ready to take the leap, but feel like you could use some support in doing so, get in contact with a life coach today!


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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