The transformative power of coaching and how it can help you
Coaching is a powerful conversation between two people that connects, influences, and activates change in thought, in behaviour.
How does coaching work?
How coaching works is that we help people observe their own thinking, and their own thinking patterns and then expand their perception of how they see things. This then changes their behaviour and the actions they take going forward.
What are the benefits of working with a coach?
The benefit of working with a coach is having the opportunity to examine your thinking and to be able to think, go beyond what you believe is true right now, and see new possibilities. That’s the great value and distinction of coaching.
Whether you are looking for career coaching, wellness coaching, confidence coaching, lifestyle coaching, or personal development, this is what I love doing.
Coaching is an incredibly valuable tool. I would say that, of course, because I’m a Coach, but I also, hand on my heart, absolutely believe in the power of coaching – otherwise I wouldn’t be doing this! Coaching can be absolutely transformative.
As a coach, I also work with coaches so that I can be the best that I can be. I believe we are always a work in progress, and that there’s never a stage where we know it all, we need to keep evolving, and keep tweaking to be better, and better, and having a coach myself, I understand what it’s like to walk in the shoes of my clients.
Success is 80% mindset
In life, our success in work, in life, in relationships, and in our health, is very much determined by our thinking. If we never take the time to reflect and question our thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and thinking patterns, how can anything ever change for the better? We will continue to repeat the same patterns over and over again until we realise something needs to change. Like an old broken record that just plays the same song over and over again until we decide one day that we’ve had enough of listening to the same old song and we change the record.
Our thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and self-talk shape our destiny, experiences, and our life because our subconscious mind takes it as a command. Our thoughts make up our world, and we think and believe them to be real, to be true.
Because the brain is a meaning-making machine, it helps us to feel comfortable and safe and to make some sense of the world, and people believe in the meaning they make out of every situation.
Our stories are even stronger when stressed as our emotions overpower the observing and thinking mind.
Marcia Reynolds, coach
We have something along the lines of 50,000 thoughts a day, and being human, we unconsciously hold a negativity bias, so if we aren’t intentional, those thoughts can be 80% negative, and then out of those thoughts, 80% are about ourselves. According to those calculations, we can have around 32,000 thoughts about ourselves that are negative.
How does that sound to you? Pretty shocking, right?
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." - Gandhi, Lao Tzu
Unless we intentionally and consciously turn that around, how can we achieve all the goals we want to achieve? The success we've dreamed of, the relationships we want?
How can we lose weight, stay healthy, find more fulfilling jobs, or start a business unless we learn to master our thinking?
I believe in you.
How coaching can help you
In coaching, you are not being fixed; our focus is to help you transform your thinking so that you know what you need to do next.
As in the old proverb, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
We help people to see and observe their thinking. We help to expand their thinking and open up their world. We provide a safe sounding board for them to share.
We look at what is getting in the way, what’s blocking, what’s stopping, and what’s holding this incredibly smart, resourceful person back from seeing a way forward to achieve what they want to achieve.
It is a reflective inquiry process; the coach actively listens, questions, observes, and reflects back to the client what they see, what they hear, questioning any assumptions, and limiting beliefs that are holding them back.
The questions coaches ask and the reflections we share cause the disruption that makes people stop, look, and question their thinking.
Coaching offers a safe space that's 100% focused on the client, offering them the gift to fully be themselves, and when you’ve built that trust, that rapport, clients allow you to challenge their thinking, knowing that you care and believe in them.
Marcia Reynolds, one of the most experienced, renowned coaches based in the States, states that "Coaching is the most effective learning technology for changing behaviour. When the fog of fear and doubt clears, the path appears."
Coaching is about deep listening, non-judgment, observation, understanding, and curiosity, where the coach holds the space for you to see what you’ve avoided or what was hidden behind the armour.
Every single one of us was born with a beautiful inner flame, an inner spark, then as we grew up, we became part of society, schooling, work, and things began to change. We started to hear and see the message that maybe we are not good enough, not smart enough, not young enough, not slim enough, and life throws different things at us – obstacles, failures, heartbreak, loss, grief, lack of support, lack of love – because life can be really hard at times, to the point where you start to doubt yourself, and then you stay stuck in this belief and are unable to move forward. If this is you, if this resonates with you, you don’t have to stay stuck.
Coaches are people who believe in you, give you wings to fly, and reignite that inner flame in you that you’ve always had to make your dreams, your goals, and your wishes come true.
As a coach, I love working with clients who have goals or dreams that they are struggling to achieve on their own, whether big or small and it's so satisfying and rewarding to see that happen.