The number 1 question to ask, to live life on your terms

We’re supposed to be in nature, walk in nature, breath the outside air, gather fruit and chase after animals… and what we usually do in the day is we sit in front of computer monitors in artificially lit open plan offices and rarely move. They say open plan working is the worst type for our productivity and state of mind. Still, we create those spaces where we work by the hundreds and then we wonder why we are not happy despite the money rolling in.

You specifically might not be working in an open plan office but are you happy with what you do? Is this what you signed up for? Many times we choose careers and lives based on what is available (those open plans..), what others expect of us or what the safest most appropriate thing is to do. I was there once too. I chose a career in the legal field based on what others had dreamt for me. Life had to beat me to my knees until I listened to that inner voice and the dreams trying to make themselves heard to finally find my peace, purpose and my happiness. Because all along that escape route from my unhappiness was – yes, you know- within me. But it doesn’t have to get that far.  You have made an amazing move to be here on the Life Coach Directory, looking to make a change. High praise to you!

We forget in this high speed, highly connected now, now, now world that it all starts and ends within you… and takes some time and patience. You have the answers inside you for what it is you should do. You have the nuggets of wisdom that will direct you to your goals, your happiness and the how to get there. Nobody else can tell you what you should do. We need to give ourselves the permission to live life on our terms. Because they are the right terms for YOU.

You have started to question why you do what you do and if that isn’t making you happy things have got to change and you have the power within you to make that change! In life, we are supposed to find and follow our happiness, our flow. Because when we are happy, everybody else benefits from our happiness. So it isn’t even a selfish thing to do, to think about yourself and your development and goals. It is a necessity (otherwise that open plan.. will come and get you..).

What are your terms? Change starts from there. Your terms are the building blocks of your roadmap. Make them crystal clear. Be the one in the driving seat of your life – on your terms.

Big love,

Petra xx


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Richmond TW9 & London SE1
Written by Petra Tourunen
Career Purpose Coach - TheFlowStyler Career Coaching
location_on Richmond TW9 & London SE1
I'm Petra the Nordic Career and Confidence Coach and the Founder of the Career Calling Clarifier Program©. I empower professional Women to find their unique Career Flow & actualize their dreams and transition into a purposeful & successful Career & l...

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