The Big Gulp

Who remembers the Big Gulp at 7-Eleven? Maybe they still sell it. I live in the UK, and the Big Gulp doesn't exist, I don't think it does anyway. Basically, it is a "cup" the size of one of those ice baths you see on Amazon. The "Wim Hof" of Pepsi, Coke, Fanta, or whatever sugary drink is available.


Well, I have had a few Big Gulps recently, no not a drink the size of Mars, but attending networking events and sharing about my business. I am ok sharing about what I do for a living. It is when I share why I do what I do, Big Gulp.

Hi, I am Lisa, I am a Certified and Accredited Life Coach, Grief Coach and Grief Educator, etc… Easy peasy lemon squeezy…

My why is much deeper, as it should be.

Explaining my why

I help men and women who feel stuck, lost, discontent, and stressed. These individuals want change. They are committed to doing the work necessary, setting aside excuses. They know they must invest in themselves and believe, truly believe, they can make change. They are ready to take action to create the life they desire and deserve!

I also help men and women who are grieving any type of loss and require support because, Big Gulp, I lost 12 loved ones in a 22-month period, including my niece, parents, and son-in-law, friends, friends’ children, and so on and so on. I do not share this through tears, although I have shed and continue to shed so many tears, I think I could fill the ocean.

I can feel the room go quiet. Big Gulp. Enter stage left, Debbie Downer, also known as, me.

Then the voice in my head, “Do not say it, Lisa. It’s too much. You’re going to bring down the room. Don’t make this all about you and your sad story.” Big Gulp.

I know my intentions. I know my heart. I know my WHY. I am also human and even though I “teach this stuff.” Limiting beliefs and untrue thoughts fill my head. I usually walk away thinking, "I should not have shared my story." I am not sure if this is what people think but I certainly battle my inner voice, a lot and I always feel that I need to apologize to the network leader afterwards. 

Do I want to share what I do as a career? Yes

Do I want to continue to build my business, pay my bills, and live my dream? Yes, yes, and yes

Do I want to help others? Yes.

Do I struggle sharing my story so I don’t come across as a victim, a Debbie Downer, someone who is seeking attention? Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Finding meaning after loss is difficult, to say the least. Vulnerability and authenticity in those Big Gulp moments are scary, but my why is bigger than my limiting beliefs.

We all tell ourselves things that are untrue. Limiting beliefs, or the things we tell ourselves that hold us back, can be crippling even if we know our why and are living with passion and purpose. It's not easy. What's the saying, "If it was easy, everyone would do it."

Have you ever had a Big Gulp moment? Me too.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Market Harborough, LE16
Written by Holistic Life Coaching with Lisa Marie
Intl Certified & Accredited Life Coach & Grief Educator-APC
location_on Market Harborough, LE16
I am a mother of two adult daughters. I am a Certified and Accredited International Life Coach and Grief Coach and Certified Grief Educator, Key-note speaker, Podcaster, and Author. I help clients rebuild, transform and take action to create the li...

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