Stay positive while you job search

A positive mental attitude is a key to success and happiness in many parts of your life. And I believe a positive attitude is important in successful job seeking. But staying positive is not always easy. It can be particularly challenging if you have lost your job through no fault of your own. Plus, busy recruiters or potential employers, can be brusque and unthinking in managing their part of the recruitment process. But, staying positive and fighting off negativity can mean that next opportunity leads to success.

An essential part of job search today is being ready to learn. How people find jobs changes all the time. For example, many recruiters now use social media sites like LinkedIn to find candidates. You need to do some research to find out how people are being recruited in your chosen sector. And you can use online sites to research more about the organizations looking for staff. See this is as an interesting challenge, rather than creating further barriers. You can’t afford to waste time and energy on negativity.

Here are my tips for staying positive during your job search:

1. First, acknowledge any grief or anger you feel about having to look for work. Feeling bitter about what has happened isn’t going to put you in a good place for job seeking. Learn to let the bad feelings go – start to live in the present and look forward. Working with a coach or counsellor can really help if you get stuck with bad feelings.

2. Then, treat your job search as a job in itself. Establish a routine where you start and finish at the same time as when you were in work. Organise your day and see staying fit as an essential part of the task. Take time out to go for a walk each day. Eat a healthy diet and get enough rest.

3. Approach the job market with an open mind. Be ready to consider the widest possible range of opportunities and be flexible in terms of the work you are prepared to consider. A change of direction could be interesting and stimulating.

4. Work on understanding your real value in the world of work and be prepared to increase it with study. You’d be surprised how many free courses you can find online with sites like Coursera, Edx and FutureLearn. If you don’t hold any kind of professional qualification, now might be the time to go for it.

5. Treat recruiters and potential employers as customers. Accept that pleasing them comes from giving them what they want. It is not about what about you think they need unless they ask for your advice. Stay positive and upbeat in your approach to them. That on its own is impressive.

6. Network as much as you can – in person and online. Learn to use LinkedIn and keep your profile up-to-date. Remember lots of very good jobs never get to into the hands of recruitment companies. Networking is an opportunity to interact with other people and that is very good for lifting your mood. You’d be surprised how many people you encounter will be willing to help, if you let them.

A positive attitude really is key to getting that special job. It can distinguish you from another equally well-qualified candidate and give you the edge. Put the points above into action and see just how they can work for you.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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London SE1 & Trowbridge BA14
Written by Wendy Mason Smith
Life Coach,Career/Business Coach, Executive Coach, Mentor
location_on London SE1 & Trowbridge BA14
Wendy Smith is a qualified, experienced and well-recommended career, life and business coach. As well as expertise and professionalism, her values are empathy, authenticity and a commitment to achieving goals. A member of the Association for Coaching...

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