One step closer to getting unstuck

Feeling stuck?This is an article for anyone who might feel trapped, who might feel stuck, who might feel frustrated, with themselves or with their situation.


For anyone who might find themselves feeling like things aren’t going their way despite all the best efforts, I see you and I want to share this with you.

Who made these rules?

From childhood, we are programmed with certain messages about the ‘right’ way to do things. The ‘best’ ways to behave, the jobs that are ‘good’, what it looks like and means to be ‘nice’, or to be a ‘good girl’, what it means to ‘do well’. We are shown what it means to ‘work hard’ and how to look ‘acceptable’. 

We are taught to seek permission from authority; our parents, our teachers, and from the media we consume too. We seek permission not only about who we should be, but when we can rest, how we can relax, when we can use the bathroom, what we can eat, the clothes we can wear, how we can spend our money and what time to go to bed. More or less, add some things, take away some things. Everyone’s experience will be completely different. 

There is no judgement of any of this, it’s kind of how the world works for the vast majority of us. These messages condition us, they help us to choose our friends, our relationships, our clothes, and our work – they define a great deal for us. Our upbringing, of course, has a profound impact on who we become as adults. 

Is it time to release the need for permission?

Some of us, perhaps those of us who feel trapped, frustrated by ourselves or stuck in our situation, continue to carry this need for permission into adulthood. 

We are still looking around for someone to give us permission, to sign something off for us. Does this resonate with you? Looking around for a rule book on the ‘best’ morning routine, or the most ‘effective’ way to relax, constantly questioning your choices and decisions in lots of areas of your life? It can become exhausting to continue to try and meet unknown expectations. 

Step into you...

Because there is no rule book. There is no ‘right’ way to do anything. It is safe to acknowledge that, as adults, we are the ones who can choose the rules for ourselves now. We have the power of choice. 

If the rules by which you are living are no longer serving you, imagine the freedom of giving yourself permission to do things your way. To be the intentional creator of your autonomy and to be the light of your authenticity.   

 A moment of reflection...

So, if things feel ‘out of kilter’ for you right now, and you can’t quite put your finger on it, I offer you a moment to reflect. To pause. To notice. Are there any areas of your life, where you’re working to meet expectations set by others around you or previous versions of yourself, that no longer serve you? 

What stories are you holding on to as truth, when they’re not really your own truth? 

When you pause and tune in to yourself, what permission slip would you like to give yourself today? 

Permission to rest
Permission to pause
Permission to reflect
Permission to invest in yourself
Permission to make money
Permission to listen to your body
Permission to set boundaries
Permission to have fun
Permission to say yes
Permission to….? 
It’s your choice. 

If you’re ready to start making choices to move you closer to who you are, click the 'email me' button below so we can have a free chat.  


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Life Coach Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Peterborough, Cambs, PE6
Written by Emma Humphrey
Wellbeing & Mindset Coach and Dynamic Hypnotherapist
location_on Peterborough, Cambs, PE6
Emma holds a distinction-level diploma in personal performance coaching and is a dynamic hypnotherapist. Emma help's women who are ready to let go of all that doesn't serve them & to heal so they can live life more fully & purposefully, embodying the...

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