Maintain your mental toughness
How has 2020 been for you so far? I started this decade reflecting back on a year that was a roller coaster of highs and lows for me. The highs included some exciting opportunities to work with really inspiring clients. Dedicated to making some change in their work or home life, even at times of adversity and using the support of a coach to help them. As for the lows; well I experienced a great deal of personal loss in 2019 and there were times I needed to dig deep to stay resilient and keep going. I was thankful for those around me to help get me through the tough times.
It can be really hard if there’s no-one else to turn to when things get stressful. When times are hard and you’re the one expected to make the decisions and keep the business or home going. I often find this is a familiar theme with people I talk to, both clients and business contacts alike. For some, it is hard to find ways to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Some people say they use colleagues, friends or family members to help them get through these difficult times. Whilst others have a regular coaching relationship to keep them focused which help to maintain their wellness and resilience. What about you? How do you deal with your tough times and who do you turn to?
Mental toughness: top tips
Here are 5 Top Tips that you may find useful to carry out regularly to help you maintain your mental toughness:
1. Take it one step at a time: Whatever ‘IT’ is. Even if the issue seems enormous and complex. Despite the hype, our brains really aren’t designed to multitask, and breaking down the issue or dilemma into manageable chunks helps us to process a solution more efficiently and with greater ease.
2. Book in some regular 'worry' time: Do unhelpful thoughts interrupt your day or sleep pattern? When a worry comes to you, make a note of it and put it to one side. Each day choose a set time to worry, for a maximum of 20 minutes. Then allow yourself to worry about whatever you’ve written down. Then screw up each piece of paper and throw it in the bin. The physical action helps to remove the unhelpful thought from your brain.
3. Talk it through: Find the right person to talk to. Someone who will listen and give you help in the most effective way that suits your needs. Choose wisely. You’ll know you have the right person when you leave the conversation feeling a greater positive energy than when you joined it.
4. Reflect, reflect, reflect: Your world may be very reactive and fast-moving, so this may sound challenging. Our brains process information very differently when we write it down, to when we think it. This helps give clarity of thinking and find logical solutions. Write down your thoughts on paper, with a pen. Whatever they are. Use the Rolfe (2001) model to give structure - 'What happened?', 'So what does that mean?', 'Now what’s next?'.
5. Be kind to yourself: Take some ‘me’ time. Any form of exercise, relaxation, a good nights sleep of around 7-9 hours, or healthy nutrition can help recharge your body and mind with its functioning.
Coaching offers you the opportunity to speak freely and without judgment while learning to leave your comfort zone and challenge yourself comfortably, but effectively. If you believe that you may benefit from coaching, use our search tool to find a coach near you and start your journey.