How to decode the messages in your emotions
Conventional medicine often tells us that our genetics are primarily responsible whenever we become ill. Yet, by acquiring this state of mind, we then find ourselves paying little attention to other factors that are proven to have a huge influence on overall well-being, such as nutrition, exercise, environment and our own emotional state. For example, well-known psychiatrist, Kelly Brogan argues that every disease carries a message.

Unfortunately, too many of us have been raised to see our bodies and minds as two entirely separate entities. By learning how to spot messages present in our emotions, we can decode them. This will allow us to break those bad habits while reducing the impact on our mental and physical well-being.
Emotions are a valuable form of communication
While emotions can tell us a lot about our sense of well-being, many of us have learned to repress them over our lifetime. Instead of living through the emotion of loss, shame or guilt, we constrict them. The result is that these then become a part of us and part of our psyche. In turn, we do not deal with such emotions but proceed to bottle them up and push the bad stuff deep down further inside us each time.
However, there’s only so much the human body can take before it starts to respond. This presents itself in both self-sabotaging behaviour and the appearance of various physical health problems.
The key is in seeing emotions as a form of communication with underlying messages that direct us and encourage healing to achieve an improved state.
How our mental and physical health pays the price when we ignore our emotions
We repress our emotions
Rather than deal with the issue at hand, some find that choosing to avoid or even numb certain feelings are the best way to keep them at bay. This is prevalent when we’ve had a negative experience in the past and refuse to address it years later.
We act on impulse
When we pay little attention to our emotions, the urge to act rushed or be indecisive becomes a compulsion. This leaves us ill-prepared, feeling worse afterwards and we’re more prone to repeat our mistakes.
We become blocked in life
We can feel lost and unable to move forward when we ignore emotions, leading to bouts of depression and worthlessness with no inclination to move on.
We are more inclined to emotionally or verbally abuse those closest to us
When emotions are suppressed, they don’t disappear; instead, they simmer away. Thus, when events occur that bring them to the surface, unfortunately, it’s those closest to us that suffer as we often lash out at those we care about.
We experience frequent feelings of anxiety, grief, fear, or pain even though there’s no clear reasoning behind them
Immensely problematic are those emotions that go left unchecked but reappear to cause issues when we least expect it. This is the body’s coping mechanism and way of dealing with repressed emotions.
Our bodies release chemical reactions
When emotions are left unresolved, the body can release adrenaline and excess cortisol. Such unsettled feelings also work to suppress our digestive enzymes.
We find ourselves stress-reacting to many events
Often because of repressed emotions, anxiety builds to a state whereby we become so accustomed to it, it becomes a regular occurrence.
Our physical structure changes
Plenty of people see emotional repression show itself in the form of hunched shoulders or back, leg, and hip pain or commonly via chronic headaches.
Blood and lymphatic flow are restricted
At its worst, by ignoring our emotions, our immune system can be placed in jeopardy through stress and tense muscles.
To decode your emotions, start by raising awareness
If you are prepared to stop and take time to listen to what your emotions are telling you, both body and mind would benefit.
All emotions pose a different message - it’s a case of first becoming aware of their presence and then asking yourself: what is the message behind it?
For example, you may find yourself experiencing headaches every time you have to confront a specific situation at work. If so, before you next reach for the painkillers, ask yourself how this situation makes you feel.
Perhaps you struggle with persistent colds every few weeks and find it increasingly difficult to fight them off. If so, look at what events are happening right now. Look outside of the physical factors. What is that you might be avoiding? Paying close attention requires asking yourself, what is wrong? Why do you feel that way at that moment in time? And what is it that this particular feeling is trying to tell you? How is it helping you?
By taking just a few minutes to listen to what our emotions are saying, we could, in fact, pave the way for longevity and prosperity. Most importantly, to decode our emotions, we have to face facts and confront them head-on. This is vital if we’re to ensure we act emotionally intelligent when moving forward.
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Janelle is an author and celebrity spiritual coach, learn more on her website.